Papuan carpets you say?
My most anticipated carpet clutch this year is my 100% Papuan (Jaya) x 93.75% jungle high expression ocelot jag that I produce a few years ago, he looks even better than his dad. They’re both 1st time breeders.
Papuan carpets you say?
My most anticipated carpet clutch this year is my 100% Papuan (Jaya) x 93.75% jungle high expression ocelot jag that I produce a few years ago, he looks even better than his dad. They’re both 1st time breeders.
Nice snakes…I may be dumb for asking but those are still Corns right?
There’s no such thing as a dumb question Those ones are carpet pythons
Sorry, I know this was a corn thread, just couldn’t resist when jeremy_anderson mentioned Papuan carpets. It’s 1 of my more anticipated clutches of the season.
Pretty snakes! I love normal Papuan carpets, I’ll try to get some pics of my young ones today. I also have an adult jag, not as nice as yours, I’ll probably breed her to the striped caramel coastal male someday. Good luck on the pairing, would love to see the outcome. Carpet clutches are always fun to see.