Pastel Enchi DG Het Clown Female

Just shed out, looking real nice!

This girl is my first DG and she’s amazing in person. It’s clear why this mutation has gotten so much attention in recent years.


Sometimes the simple combos can still be so pretty.


Yeah I absolutely love the look of DG and would love to get it into my repressive protect. But DG is one of the more expensive repressive genes.

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You might be surprised what you can get some DGs for these days! Without het clown etc attached you can definitely find them in the $100 - $300 range, especially if you wait until one shows up on auction.

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Well yes you are correct when talking about MM. The only thing is, is that I’m living in southeast asia. The online website I order from is Repttown which is based in Thailand. The reptile hobby is somewhat new there (even though it is well established) and so the prices are sometimes higher then on MM. the price range I see on there right now is from $875-$1150 on there due to the recent importation of the gene. But also just to let you know most of their prices are about the same as MM. For example a male Pastel sells for about $25-$30 and females $45-$60. Enchi is about the same as Pastel as far as price goes. Male Pieds sell for about $130-$175 and females $230-$290 (which is a little higher them MM). The price on Repttown is usually about the same as MM but the price on some morphs can be twice or even three times the price on MM, because those morphs were recently imported and so the amount of DG for example in Thailand is quite small and thus the price is higher.

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What a beauty indeed! Congratulations! :+1:


Didn’t realize you were from Asia! Definitely makes sense why there would be such a price variation with certain mutations. Interesting info, thanks for sharing!

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Your welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s fine, and definitely a pretty snake you have!