Pastel Het Clown Pairing advice

I recently purchased a male pastel het clown and I plan to one day pair him with a female or two in the next year. I’m posting to see if anyone would like to help me decide on a good pair for a nice looking clown. Open to all suggestions!

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Any visual clown is my suggestion. i like leopard with clown, lesser leopard clowns look nice too. bamboo is a good choice also. Have you looked at different clowns on mm to get an idea of what you would like to produce?

My pastel leopard clown, leopard clown and lesser leopard clown for references


Females take at least 2 years to get to breeding size so your going to have to get adults to meet that timeline. Buying an adult female may limit your options a bit. With that being said I would recommend figuring out what clown combos you like! I would also recommend getting your females as hatchlings and raising them yourself. This allows you to get the exact females you want and give you time working with ball pythons before you jump into breeding.


I agree! a clown it is. I do like the Leopard Clown a lot. I’m going to do some searching for a while. Much appreciated!

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I’m going to take this advice. I was excited about getting into breeding but I do want to make sure that I am ready for the endeavor. Probably going to search for a few month before i start deciding on what type of clown. Thanks again @saleengrinch!

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Totally understandable!

Totally smart!

No problem :slightly_smiling_face: