Upper pic May 14 2021, lower pic November 3 2021
This is female 3. The term “Peach phase” originates here.
This is female 3. The term “Peach phase” originates here.
Oh my god! I’ve never seen a rainbow boa like that before! Is is some sort of hypo, or just a naturally occurring phase?
Wow! This a gorgeous snake!
This is a Lockwood hypo, peach phase.
I saw her on her back 3 days ago.
This is hypo female 2 of my group of Peach phase Lockwood hypos. She is pictured with two of her babies from June 2021.
I have 11 babies born from siblings bred together. The parents of these 11 have the least color of the small group of adults I have. However, it seems that all of the babies, even those with the least amount of color, are prettier than their parents. As we learned in 1994 when Mike Lockwood bred siblings together and produced the first Lockwood hypos (EBV hypos), breeding siblings together can produce amazing new lines. I do not know the genetics of what I have termed the Peach Phase line of Lockwood hypos. But to my eye they are different. Back in the 1990’s with money that was not depreciated by today’s inflation I paid 7K each for my first Hypos.
I will be posting the babies for sale in the near future. So for now I will post photos of each of the babies so that they will all be in one place for comparison.
The above are the 5 females in descending order of color (beauty to my eye). The following will be the 6 males.
The first baby female is pictured with the sire.