People are going to hate me for this

Absolutely not! No hate on making a good call for the health of an animal. Are you sure that you really want to go with the rescue option though? Rescues can have a host of health issues that can become apparent. If you don’t want to take the risk that you would be rescuing one that would have issues, you could always just save up more and wait a year so that you could get a banana pied and have a super nice enclosure :wink:. I wish you the best of luck and keep us updated.


Ok! Thanks


Your money your choice, that’s why people take a non refundable deposit to secure an animal. I purchased a snake that someone had put a £50 deposit on and backed out, the snake was £325 and the lady I bought it off knocked £50 off as she said she still got what she wanted for it, so their loss, my gain


Oh cool! Also what does £ mean? Like pounds or something?


£ is British pound


As you call tell from comments above, no one of decent caliber will hate you as long as you were honest and Up front with them as to your reason. Being polite and not ghosting them, and most importantly that you had the animal’s best interest at heart should be what spoke the loudest. We all will need to make sales. But the heart and worry most people put into their babies makes knowing someone took the time to care, much more valuable than a quick sale that might have caused that baby suffering or worse. I say kudos-and also keep communications open with that person as well as watching on here for other babies you may love. You may find that prices drop or you can find a deal on a nice enclosure and have the extra to go back and spend on the morph you wanted.


Caring more about the welfare of the animal (i.e. enclosure, substrate, heat / humidity, hides, etc) than the coolness of the particular genetics is always the right decision. Well done.