Pet Pics to Cheer a Gal Up

Hey all
This summer has been a real challenge for me and my family. We’ve gone from a death in the family, to losing our house, to me getting chronically and painfully ill, and now it looks like my best friend in the whole world, my dog, may have cancer.
I’m super down in the dumps and have kinda lost faith in the dreams I have shared with you all here on MM, so if anyone could spare some good vibes, a prayer, and maybe some cute pictures of all your lovely animals, we’d really appreciate it :heart:


Life is like a roller coaster, can go up real high, then down very fast. It WILL go back up.
I think Forest Gump said that, only in the super extended directors cut 4k special edition blue ray! :joy:

Here is Zuzu acting goofy! Have a good night and a better tomorrow!


Ok so @cmills Here are my dogs Rudy and Zain. I lost 2 dogs to cancer so I know your fears. Pm me any time. You have a huge family here! We all love you!


Thank you guys so much. I’ve lost almost all my family in the last 2 years, and everyone here has really made me feel like I’m still loved regardless


Well finally I get to see the pup!!! @banereptiles! Lol!


I’m so so sorry for everything you’re going through, and I’ll be sending good thoughts your way.

Here’s my fancy friend


Yes @cmills I have lost most of what little family I had through my own fault. But again, you have a huge family here all across America and even across the “Pond”! This is a lot more than most people have. Even if it’s not physical……


What a nice house pony you have!


Thank you!! It’s so funny because I also refer to him as a house pony all the time


So the other guy is a house pony in training? Lol!


Thank you so much. COVID was brutal for us and my family was small to begin with. I hope it doesn’t continue to shrink here in the coming weeks.

Photo tax, here is Olive Oil, a lovely 11 year old Aussie-Doodle mix.

Due to her genetics, she has been prone to fatty tumors since age 5, and I routinely monitor her for new ones (I even have a color coded diagram, ha!). We noticed the new lump with a concerning texture last night, had her in for a biopsy by 10am today.
My last lump check with her it was not present, and that was June 1, so the good news is that this thing is likely less than 6 weeks in growth. The vets do think its more than a regular fatty lump, but the biopsy results later this week will tell how malignant it is.
Her bloodwork from June was clear, her organs are doing great, and other than arthritis a bit, she’s a crazy puppy. So even in the likelihood it is very bad, the hope is that we caught it so fast it hasn’t had a chance to really hit her system or spread yet.


I am on @cmills. We are all here for you :slightly_smiling_face:. I am sorry life has been like this. Wife has definitely been throwing me many challenges to this year. Many prayers for you and your family coming from Florida.


I hate the C word. My last 2 Yorkies were on chemo but that C word was brutal. I lost both of them 2018 and 2019, as well as 2 pieces of my heart. I am sending positive vibes to you to beat that nasty C word……. :heart:


Also pm me any time. And if need be you can speak with me in person……. My heart hurts for you……


Thank you all so much, I’m genuinely crying at how quickly everyone was so nice. You all are my lifeboats right now, thank you


Apologies for the photo dump but the more pics the better am i right :joy: I’m so sorry about everything you’re going through. The past year or two for me has also been pretty rough so while i may not fully understand what you are going through i am still here for you if you need it, as are all of us. I hope everything goes well with your dog and it turns out to not be anything too concerning. :heart: :heart:


Your shepherd has the same dorky smile as Olive, so cute!


I’m so sorry to hear of your troubles. That’s a lot to deal with all at once. I’ve had two dogs die from cancer - one was a slow growing, not painful cancer. After his diagnosis, we still got one more year with him. He lived to be 14 (pretty old for a golden retriever). The other also died of cancer several years after the first, but his was particularly horrible. Bone cancer - fast spreading, painful, no real option of treating it depending on where it is (his was in his shoulder). He was only 9 when we had him put down. Here’s a pic of these two guys while they were alive.

Cody, on the left, was my childhood dog. He was a single dog for 10 years. When we adopted Berkeley (on the right), it was like there was this whole other side to Cody we had never seen before, despite owning him from the time he was only a year old! He loved having a buddy! Berkeley came from the shelter freshly neutered and a bit woozy and disinterested. That didn’t stop Cody from bouncing around like a puppy and ruffling up Berkeley’s ears. It took a few days for Berkeley to settle in and heal, but once he did, they ended up being very good friends.


I love goldens but they are so short lived and prone to issues for a medium size dog it breaks my heart, my favorite neighbor dog on the street was a goldie named Benny, who died at 5 from bowel cancer :pensive:
Your boys are were so beautiful :heart:


and @cmills so I am getting the droopies with all this cancer stuff but ALL the pups pics are such a blessing! It is so wonderful that we are so versatile that we love furred and scaled! :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush: