Planning to start breeding

Hey everyone - I have been keeping all sorts of reptiles and snakes for about 20 years but I have recently decided to try my hand at breeding boas. I have been lurking and learning as much as possible for awhile now and figured it was time to join the community and post. My first female is about 5 years old, weighs 20 lbs, 86" long. I purchased her as a Junglow but I’m not convinced now that she is a bit older, what do you think (pictures below)?

My male is a gorgeous BCI normal 100% het Junglow motley (does this seem right?) also about 5 years old, 16 lbs and 78".

My final female is my favorite but not ready to breed yet. She is only 3 years old, 6ft and 11 lbs. I got her as a sunglow.

Can’t wait to start this journey!


I would say your male is not a motley or a jungle. He maybe het for albino because I don’t even see the hypo.

The second female looks like a sunglow but your first girl doesn’t, she looks albino. Can you post more pictures of the first girl, so we can help you ID her?


Thanks for the quick reply! Hopefully these load from my phone, if not I’ll snap some more later today. I do have another male normal and the guy I posted pictures of is much more brown, I’ll send some more of him as well.

Here are a few more of the male.

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Yeah I’m still not seeing Motley hypo jungle

Jungle and motley are both pattern and color mutations, hypo is definitely a color mutation that has some pattern influences.

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Also, for the female I am not seeing jungle. Can you grab a picture over the top of her tail? One of the main ways you identify hypo is that the tail rings look jelly like.

Thank you. It will be interesting to see how the babies come out from the male. He looks completely different than my two normal males but I can’t pinpoint it, especially if they are not really showing well. Any ideas of what he may be?

I’ll have to take more photos of the female later and send them.

That male does look hypo, he’s just a little drab. But definitely not motley.

As far as the first female goes, she’s a good example of why i personally don’t like albino Jungle. It’s really difficult to tell in most instances.


Really, you can see his saddles are black even with the age fade. I guess that could be the lighting though and being a lower quality hypo.

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Yep, The overall coloration to him, bowtie saddles, uniform color of saddles and tail. I think it’s just due to experience why it stands out. My first hypo litter was back in 2006.


Thank you, any signs of anything else on him?

Also here is a picture of the larger female’s tail.


Your first female looks to be a sunglow to me. Would need a clear full over head body picture to be sure. Need to see all of her saddles and tail. Are you sure she is 5 years old? Looks older to me.

Male is a hypo boa. He is not a motley or jungle boa. Will not know if he is het albino until you breed him.

Other female is sunglow.

Also do you feed live food? All your boas have scars on there face. If so please try and see if they will eat frozen thawed food. It’s safer for your boas.

Also just so you know breeding boas sometimes will kill them. So if they are pets you may want to think twice about breeding them. Your first female is big enough to breed.

Take care


Thank you again for all of the feedback. I figured I had sunglows and no jungle or motley but I’m definitely not an expert. I’m really not sure what I’m looking for in a jungle.

I did not have the big one from a hatching so I am not positive on her age but that’s what I was told. That is also where most of the scars from, the person before me was feeding live. It took awhile to transition her away.

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If your male is het albino then he would be a double het for sunglow.

Her are some pictures for reference for you.

Sunlow motley jungle.



Hypo / double het for sunglow


Here are some jungle boas. All but one are hypos all are het albino.

This one is a motley jungle het albino.

Hope all of this helped you out.
Take care


This is great, thank you! Seems like I have two Sunglow females and a hypo possible het albino male. You guys rock! I can’t wait to start breeding.


Okay one more picture of the smaller female. Based on what I’ve seen and read, I think she has jungle based on the irregular pattern, is this correct?