Please help identify Viserions morph

I got her from pet smart a few years ago, they just said she’s albino, I know nothing more than that. Any help would be greatly appreciated

There are several lines of leo albino, there’s no way to tell visually as far as I know. If this is the same female from your other thread, this confirms you should only be getting normal babies het for whatever albino strain this female is (if she is indeed albino, which I think she probably is)

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Thank you, yes this is the same female from the other post.

As cmills said, there are different lines of albino in leopard geckos. You can’t tell them apart by looking at them. Odds are most likely Tremper though because she was a pet store purchase.

Her eyes look normal.
Her pattern would be considered super hypo because of the lack of spots on her back.
You can’t really know if she’s carrying anything else.


You all rock!

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I will note that since she is gravid via the other thread, you will likely end up with mostly normal looking babies, so you may have some trouble finding homes and may need to house them for a while, in case you need to start prepping now