I’m trying to figure out if I have a male or female gold dust day. Gecko, because I’m currently in talks with somebody. That has some for sale. I just don’t want to get multiple males
in the same terrarium
I’m trying to figure out if I have a male or female gold dust day. Gecko, because I’m currently in talks with somebody. That has some for sale. I just don’t want to get multiple males
How old is this gecko? A young one just might not be ready to sex
Based on the photos…
I do see a line for the pores in the last photo, so that makes me think male. There is a lack of hemipene bulge from the look of it… But also not the Calcium sacs a reproductive female would have.
I currently do not know how old it is. I caught it in Washington State and brought it home. Because I knew it didn’t belong and probably would die due to the colder weather.
If that’s where you got them, I’d say trip to a reptile vet is a good idea. They might be able to sex it for you, but parasite testing may be a good idea before you put anything else in the same room as this one. That way you’ll know more of what you have and can make plans.
Oh ok thank you very much. This is my first reptile so im still learning
No problem! One of these can be a good pet! Read up on them, and don’t try to handle this one by taking it in your hand if you can help it- you’ll wanna lure it onto a hand or into a cage with say, fruit, and avoid ever having to “grab” it as they can not only drop their tail but shuck large patches of their skin off! Talk about a weird party trick.
They tend to be more active in the daytime and more visible than other nocturnal gecks so I think they’re more fun to have on a desk where you can watch them explore.