I have owned hognoses for a decent amount of time, and have been wanting to expand. I have been mainly looking into ball pythons, but my parents say they are not comfortable with constrictors. I am wondering if maybe some of you could help convince them with stories from personal experience. It would be greatly appreciated if they would allow me to get a Biohazard morph.
Biohazard is Genetic stripe x Nuclear by the way. It is something I thought of personally.
Boas and ball pythons do make good family pets, in my opinion. I prefer boas as they are more active and get bigger than ball pythons. Boas tend to eat better than some balls to. But if you are uneasy with holding a 6 to 8 foot plus boa, balls would be the way to go as they are only 3 to 5 feet long. Depending on if you get a male or female. Females get bigger than males in both species.
I have only owned 5 to 6 ball pythons over the years, all where very tame. Only one would eat regularly for me. All the others would go on hunger strikes but would eventually eat for me. All where rescues my veterinarian gave me. I did find good homes for all of them. My oldest son has one at his home.
I have owed boas for over 48 years, and most I trust more than my family dog.
Sorry i don’t have many ball python pictures. Only a few at this link.
This is a link to boas with kids.
…but they’re comfortable with your venomous hognoses? Sorry, I know hognoses aren’t dangerous, but that logic still seems a little backwards to me. At least if a constrictor bites you, you don’t even have to worry about an allergic reaction to their non-existent venom. (Though you don’t want your parents to become uncomfortable with your hognoses, so maybe that isn’t the best argument to use, lol)
That is fair! Use my new morph idea all you please. I hope it could serve any well for a gorgeous reptile. It also could be useful for diversity and breeding projects, so you’re welcome!
@tommccarthy Those are wonderful pictures of you and your boas and fur babies! But you should smile more! But yeah, fantastic animals!!!
Hello! I checked Morphmarket for Biohazard ball pythons for sale and didn’t find any for sale, and only 5 previous ones that have been sold. They are really pretty!
Ball pythons are great pets, in my opinion. All of mine have been very gentle and haven’t bitten me, nor my husband and daughter. This, of course, is because we take great care in observing their cues and being very careful to separate feeding time and handling time. My daughter was 5 when I decided it was time to keep ball pythons again. As long as you are able to devote time to gove him or her proper care and handle them on a regular basis like you would your hognoses. Plus, if you get a male, they are typically smaller, as was mentioned in a previous comment.
Just because they are constrictors doesn’t mean they’re going to escape in the middle of the night and wrap themselves around your neck and strangle you to death
Good luck to you in convincing your parents; just know that my husband was absolutely terrified of snakes when we got our first one, and now he calls one of them “his boy.”
Just a heads up, there is already a combo with that name: Morph List - World of Ball Pythons
I think what you mean to say is that the combo you want is a Genetic Stripe Lesser/Butter Fire or Genetic stripe Nuclear. If you mean it in the way you have it written it means the snake will just look like a Nuclear but be het for Genetic Stripe.
As brought up already, the combo name already exists for a different morph. Doesn’t stop you from naming your pet Biohazard though.
As far as diversity and breeding projects…all of those genes are very common. Lesser/butter can be problematic as well depending on what you are working with. It does not always play nice as a super form (BEL) or with albino or pied. It can cause eye deformities.
I don’t know where you live… but I assume the local pet stores carry ball pythons. If not you may be in an area of the US where they are illegal. NYC and the surrounding Boroughs for example. Those are typically the areas where ‘constrictors’ get the worst reputations.
For what it’s worth, you might try pointing out to your folks that both cats and dogs (both of which I have and love) have far more dangerous potential than a BP. Ask any vet, any ER doctor, and they’ll say the same.
There are so many laws, rules and regs from state level to HOAs regarding animal ownership. Local pet stores usually follow the law, but not every individual does. You may find animals offered for sale/adoption which are actually prohibited where you live. Each individual is responsible for knowing and following everything applicable where they live. Be sure you can legally keep what you want before you get one.
Here’s a suggestion that might help with your parents. Instead of just asking for a BP, present them with solid facts. Check with your state Dept of Natural Resources (or equivalent), your city, your HOA if you have one for info on species and permits. Round up information on the actual potential dangers of owning a BP. Provide a summary of what good husbandry would look like and how you would meet the animal’s needs. Prepare a budget for a year, excluding the animal. Include supplies and potential veterinary care. (If you don’t already have a vet lined up for your hoggies, please do this. It’s awful to be trying desperately to find care with a sick animal. Not all vets see exotics. It’s also good to do a “healthy pet checkup” so that you’re established with the provider. ) Show them you’re knowledgeable, reasonable, and responsible.
No guarantee that will work, of course. My mom was actually phobic about snakes. It wouldn’t have mattered with her. But for most folks, who are just unnerved about the unknown? It should go a long way toward allaying those fears.
This is a very good point. Dogs and cats send waaaaaay more people to the hospital every year than any species of snake. A kitten can and will do way more damage to you than an adult ball python.
I speak from experience! My cats routinely draw way more blood from me than my three snakes, who are all various species of constrictor. I have scars from my cats. I have no scars from my constrictors. Only one of my snakes has bitten me badly enough to draw blood, and I’ve had paper cuts that were deeper and more painful than the wounds left by her teeth.
Granted, large constrictors are big, powerful animals who can do some damage if they want to. But something like a ball python poses arguably less danger to a human than a hognose.
I think when a lot of people hear the word “constrictor,” they picture something like a huge anaconda or reticulated python, so they find the thought of a “constrictor” rather intimidating.
Also, to piggy back on “constrictor” as something that may scare someone who is not knowledgeable about snakes in general, they may also be fearful of the word “python,” and alssociate thatcword with something like a “reticulated python,” which is on the opposite end of the spectrum from just a ball python.
@hognoseheaven Another tidbit to add to your repertoire of reasons ball pythons are generally quite harmless. They get the name “Ball Python” because for the most part they stay curled up in a “ball” because they are generally very shy. Exception to the rule is a BP with a “healthy” feeding response. But it only wants the rodent, not the human…
How often do your parents check your snakes? I ask because a baby ball could be just another morph of hognose. One that gets bigger. Different shape. If they aren’t averse to you getting another hognose.
I would definitely NOT advise any child to do this to their parent, no matter the age. They have concerns about the snakes that can easily be discussed in a calm, open manner that may change their mind. Deceiving a parent like this is not worth it when the only thing at stake is “I want a cool looking snake”
I was really hoping for a “JkJK guys” or /sarcasm at the end of that ‘larger hognose’ comment
Terrible recommendation. That’s the sort of thing where the next move is the parents removing any reptile because the child cannot be trusted. Or if of age… Kicking them out of the house with the animal.
It really was a joke. I’m sure this persons parents aren’t fools.
Seriously, I would try to find someone that has a larger specimen that you could introduce them to. Maybe a friend or local breeder (I have done this for newbie keepers) or even a pet store. That way they can see the animals behavior up close and have the opportunity to ask questions of an outsider regarding temperament, feeding ,housing etc.
No idea what others parents response would be really, however when my parents found out I had a large constrictor,a burmese ,living in my room they asked many questions and had some suggestions. How big will it get? How long does it take to get that size? What does it eat? Can it harm you or others? Wouldn’t it look better in a huge cage in the library?
My parents are more tolerant of of these types of things, I guess.
Do your research. People/parents like clear, well informed answers. “I don’t know” is not a good way to answer these types of questions.
Show them how easily larger snakes can be handled. Show them Tom Mccarthys pics. And mention that his “babies” are not unique in their behavior. Most of the large constrictors can be very docile when handled regularly.
Assure them that the enclosure you can provide is escape proof.
The toughest question to answer would be what to do in the event of a bite and constrict. Fyi, unwind them starting at the tail. And assure them that bites are not all that common and are usually because the snake is scared.
Good luck. I hope this helps.
Of course you can reach out to the community for help anytime.
I mean, I laughed. That’s totally something I would have tried to pull as a kid (and my parents aren’t fools either, they would have seen straight through it, but that usually didn’t stop me from trying ).
I figured it was a joke and not a serious suggestion, but sometimes tone and intent gets lost in text-based communication and people take something too literally. I’ve started trying to tag my jokes as jokes, just to be safe.
And @gabonica1 That sounds like something I would pull on my husband! . Except I hide the shipping boxes!!!