Please Include Scientific Names in Invertebrate Ads, Y'all!

You know better. It is incumbant upon us to include proper taxonomic identification for the species we advertise for sale here on Morph Market. Otherwise, people may or may not be purchasing what they think they are. Tears by bedtime if you are too lazy to bother! :frowning:

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This is a pretty vague. Can you be more specific about what you are asking for? I’m not even sure who you are addressing.


i am guessing they are referring to posting invertebrates for sale and having to include the scientific names, since that is were this was orginally posted.


@wreckroomsnakes got it, that context which was lost in the move helps.


With invertebrates, specifically tarantulas. Generally speaking, most tarantulas begin life as nearly identical and utterly unimpressive little brown spiderlings. Detailed taxonomic, breeding, and sourcing information is crucial for buyers. For instance, a “Mexican red leg” could be five or six separate species; a “Brazilian black” could be two or more. A “rose hair?” God only knows.

And any reliable locality information would be especially helpful to buyers–and may be crucial at some future time if taxonomic studies redefine the genus or species–just please don’t guess. We all know that, rightly or wrongly, a Tliltocatl albopilosus (Curly Hair) is worth a bit less or more depending upon its ancestors’ passports, whether Costa Rican or Nicaraguan. And living in New River, AZ, I am perfectly aware of why my New River Rust Rumps are the most desirable Aphonopelma chalcodes (Desert Blonde Tarantula), compared to my Oak Creek/Sedona line. Side by side, one is perfectly lovely, but the other SIMPLY GLOWS in a way that just doesn’t show up in a photograph of mature adults. Yet the babies are identical for years. It is only as the spider matures that the buyer realises value for the extra cost. Until then, the buyer must be able to trust my detailed records and my integrity.

Fundamentally, taxonomy, perceived best practices, and developing markets change like lightening in our fancy; the more information we can get into the hands of potential buyers/future breeders, the better. Who can know what breeders will wish they knew about their animals in future? So I ask that we take the time to offer up as much information about our animals as we can possibly and reliably provide.