Ok, so I have space for a 24in L x 18in D x 24in H enclosure, but I’m not sure what reptile to put in it. I’ve done tons of research and narrowed it down to these animals. I’d love for y’all to help me decide!
That’s for sure gonna happen. I’m planning on building a whole breeding rack next year and I have a list of what morphs I want to work with and all that. This enclosure will be going on top of the rack.
Ooh, that is a harder one then. I feel like you would need a change-up like a gecko or frogs if it will be against other snakes, but the pygmy would still be cool. That makes it a hard choice
That’s fair enough!
I keep 2/3 in 60x45x60. Same size as that^
Try not to go for a female that’s been with another then as some do seem to prefer the company.
(If you go for Cresties)
I voted for the pygmy python…though full disclosure, that’s mostly because it’s the only snake on the list, and I generally favour snakes over most lizards.
That said, pygmy pythons are super cool and cute. That’s probably what I’d get in your position.
My second choice would probably be the frog. Either a red-eyed tree frog or perhaps a White’s. I’ve never kept frogs long-term, but I’ve always liked them and would like to maybe keep a few species in the future. Only downside to amphibians is that they’re not great for handling…though some folks say they’re okay to handle with gloves. Even still, if you want something you can frequently take out and play with, frogs might not be the best choice. Just something to keep in mind.