I feel the oversaturation of balls kinda makes other snake choices pretty slim. ( not that id buy a snake from a big box store chain but it seems they only carry balls maybe once in a while i may see amother snake but its mostly balls, i think they also get really pushed onto people by the ball fans.
Customer : hi im new to snakes what is a good snake for a beginner?
Oh you want a ball python they are really cool and easy.
Like i have heard convos at the pet store even in a shop that sells reptiles primarily.
Imo and it may be in the minority and not meaning any offense but i feel balls are overrated. Sure they be beginner-ish i don’t see them as a beginner like never owned any reptile new person. They have requirements that can be a trick to maintain such as heat and humidity. I don’t know how many times i hear “my ball pythons won’t eat, or they have this problem or that” so to me that’s not something a new to the hobby person is prepared for, yes they can learn with time and interacting with forums such as this, reading researching asking questions.
I live in California where Rosy boas come from so other than basic changing and cleaning aspen shavings a couple of hides and a small bowl of fresh water they need nothing more, my snakes never even use the heat pad. My environmental temperatures and humidy is the same as California where they are from.
Yes balls are prettier in many regards and way more variety but i definitely believe rosys are way easier of a beginner snake, id say balls would be like sndvanced beginner. People who already may have experience with other reptiles will likely have a better time than a completely new person.
Like i freaked out having my 1st rosy because that was the one animal i was absolutely forbidden to own. I brought home a garter snake once and the next day my mom saw it and threw it out.
Looking back i can see i really overthinking the rosy, its actually so simple and i kinda feel wierd having so much anxiety over it.
Now other states where there is high humidity im sure a rosy may be slightly difficult to maintain that low humidity they need, so in that case perhaps a ball is easier because those places already have the higher humidity.
Im willing to conceed that where you are keeping them state/ country etc. Would have an impact on how easy or hard it would be to achieve the proper conditions.
(Unrelated) i know my desert scorpions would be more difficult to achieve my 40% humidity level in Florida but tropical scorpions would be slightly easier there to maintain the humidy as opposed to where i live where i constantly have work on the humidity of my forest scorpions.
I guess in closing is people shouldn’t discount other snakes because ball pythons are more produced.