Possible egg bound?

Ok, so I’m new to breeding hognose here

My female had a shed on may 10/11, on day 14 she pop one egg out, but nothing since then
She been eating pinkys, moving around, huffs at me when i check up on her
She doesn’t seem like she’s in destress
She dose look like she’s going to shed again?
She also has poop/pee


She absolutely looks eggbound, I suggest getting her to a veterinarian asap as it has already been several days with no progress. Did you give her a lay box?


I turned her tub into a big lay box, thinking the one i had was too small,


So the problem with that is they want to feel secure when they lay and will usually seek out a small, dark place. Did you at least have a hide in the tub? If not, you absolutely need one. Also, just to get a better idea of your girl, how old is she and how much did she weigh before breeding?

You can try to get things moving by giving her a soak in some 85ºF water, make sure she can still touch the bottom surface. If you do this in a big enough tub, she will be able to sort of swim around. You might also try offering her a meal if she’ll take it. That said, if she laid that first egg on the 24-25th, she absolutely should see a vet.


Ok I’ll try that, she’s 2 and a half and weight 300+ when i frist paired her


Just checking in, did you ever take this girl to a vet?