Post-shed comparison

The clutch of red babies shed out over the weekend so I took a moment during cleaning to snap a quick comparison between them and one of my mainland brown babies.

The reds really POP now after shedding


Those are cool! I’ve never seen them before.

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I have a few other post showing them off in here.

Maybe once I get back from my vacation in a couple weeks I will break out the light tent and try to get some better pics of all of them… Assuming I am up for the bloodletting experience LOL

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That thing is seriously red! Absolute screamer!

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One day I hope to have the experience of owning a kukri snake ; mainland or island

Well in another fifty odd days I will likely have another eight added to the pile and I really do not have much use for twenty one of the little buggers so you can fully expect to see some appear on the Market


Maybe just maybe :thinking:

That red has to be genetic! Is there any info on if this trait is a incomplete dominant? The banding is simply amazing as well!

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Oh it is absolutely genetic, the breeding I did was the first to prove it. No one prior to me had bred Mainland to Tioman

Still TBD. Right now, all I can say is that it is absolutely a dominantly inherited trait as all eight babies hatched out red. I am thinking that I will pair one of the mainland hatchlings with one of these reds and see how those hatch out and also create some genetic diversity in my population. I will also pair my other mainland female to this same Tioman male and get some more “half-reds” to breed to the outcrossed hatchlings

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That’s awesome! You have a super neat project there! Im absolutely a huge fan of the reds!