PVC enclosure question

Hey guys! I have 6 custom PVC cages arriving in approximately 5 weeks. I ve always done glass so this will be my first time with PVC. Anyone have any photos they can send for inspiration? Also, suggestions for attaching food bowls and greenery? Each unit is going to be housing my adult crested geckos.

Thanks 🩷

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I use a magnetic ledge that is meant for leachies and it holds threw the half inch pvc very well. I got it from an expo so I don’t know exactly where you could find them but it shouldn’t be too hard. Where did you purchase the enclosures form?

Interesting, maybe I could get away with a really strong magnet. Do you have photos of your PVC enclosure you could share? I could use some decoration inspiration.

Top Tier Cages is making them for me.

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I have added some more branches since I took the picture. I will try to get a more updated picture in a couple hours


I made a enclosure out of PVC board scraps I had leftover from a deck I made . I used the foam and paint method . The pvc is easy to work with.


That looks great but I would definitely add more branches. He will likely end up with FTS if he doesn’t get more climbing opportunities.


That looks great! I agree with @logar I would add some more climbing opportunities :blush:

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I’ll grab a few to put in. It’s also a temp enclosure kinda seeing how the PVC was to work with. It’s more suitably sized for a juvenile.
I have 2 sheets of board I bought sitting in the garage. I’m going to make a bigger enclosure once I rearrange the basement a bit to make a spot.

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I want to make some vines to hang from the top for him to hang out on.