PVC heating help!

Having troubles & confused about pvc heating . I have the che bulb with thermastat & uth with thermastat , not sure if I should use both or not, feel like if I do it’d get to hot . & I set my heat emitter to the desire temp but it goes over that , so not sure lol some people say don’t use uth with pvc & some say that’s your best bet so I’m not sure lol


What type of thermostat are you using? On off thermostats aren’t good for CHE. If you don’t have one, I would suggest that you get a pulse thermostat as soon as you can.

In my opinion the UTH isn’t needed.


Using a reptitrip, it’s a dimmer

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Welcome to the forum and Happy New Year! Btw we love pictures! :pray::blush:


Thank you!


Very nice setup pretty pretty ball python! :pray::+1:Thank you for sharing the pictures! :heart::snake:


You usually have to set thermostats higher or lower than you would expect to get the right temps. You’ll need to turn the stat down.

A heat mat along with the CHE won’t be necessary. If you’re struggling to create a good hot spot then you can put down a piece of slate or dark tile under the CHE to absorb heat, but it looks like whole viv is too warm at the moment so I can’t imagine that’s an issue.


The warm side is 73-76 , warm is 85-90 , I was just confused as to the warm hide can get up to 100 & if that’s worrisome , but the substrate in the hide keeps 80’s .

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Little confused, but I am guessing your cool side is in the 70’s and warm in the 80’s.
Surface temp should be around 86 (give or take a couple degrees). If you have spots at 100, it is definitely to hot.

As far as what heat to use with your setup, use the one that works best at keeping the temps correct. You will get all kind of feedback on what too use, but every setup is different, as room temps, stands, cage types, substrate, hides, your location, can all play a part in it. Most large keepers and breeders use UTH do to their setups and it works great. But you are not using racks, tubs, or glass. Since you have both, see what happens when only using one at a time. If you can’t get temps correct with either, then go back to both and try to tune it in. A couple of days (monitoring) making this change won’t hurt anything. Take temps every 15 or 30 min when trying this so it does not get to cold or hot. Just over a weekend you could have it correct. Keep us posted


Right now temps seem to be doing okay with just the che ,the hide points at 92 , cool side is 75ish & warm side on substrate is 87-88 .


If this is your temps with one heat source, then I would go that route. The hide is a little higher then I would do, but if it is on the hot side, then that makes sense. You might want to add another one on the cool side so it has options and not just hot all the time.

Besides a second hide option, it sounds like you have it dialed in.

*You could also move the hide more to the middle if you have no room for a second hide.


Just here for an update ! All temps are regulated & been checking , they do go up a little with the heat on but I monitor it like no other ! I do have a cool side hide , warm side hide & humidity hide ! Thank you all for suggestions & tips ! I appreciate it!


Woo hoo! I know you can rest easy now that you have your temps under control! There are a lot of people here who can help out with just about anything reptile related!

Happy New Year :balloon::confetti_ball::fireworks:!


Of course ! Appreciate all you guys! Happy new years! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball: