Question, is it possible to tell if BEL is also Pied?

Question, is it possible to tell if BEL is also Pied?
Without genetic testing. Maybe it depends on the type of BEL?
Cant find any on MorphMarket UK to look at, sold or otherwise.
I guess it would be all white, but not sure on any other signs or markers for pied.

Possibly black light? It wouldn’t be 100%, but could possibly show patterning!


If it’s like a super mojave or it develops yellow tones when older I think that would give a pretty good hint.


Not only super Mojave most bels yellow out a bit they don’t really keep that stark white in most cases. Pied white and white in ringers stays white white so I would think if it was older you could tell.
No scientific evidence to back that up just my observations within my own collection.


Let’s try it! I would love to see how it works out!

I FEEL (no evidence) the yellowing is an individual thing to some extent. I have a lovely 2kg super Lesser that is still white. Not perfect, she has a continual yellow stripe down her back, but only visible under UV.
Old picture at 1.5KG. No UV and not my dirty nails :roll_eyes:

UV picture—

Maybe that’s the solution. But thinking about what you say, I would expect a pied to have the continual yellow stripe broken in a pied with clear white areas.

I am :wink:


I bet it will be a wonderful project!

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