Questions about reproduction

So you will want to avoid the Spider Pastel X Spider Banana pairing… Morph Issues

Also avoid using the normal, this will leave you with a bunch of normals and single gene animals that could be difficult to sell and actually end up costing you money in feeding.

This leaves you with your Butter male… Still going to end up with a few normals, a few single genes and a few spider combos, all again could be difficult to sell… And Butter Pastel and Butter Pastel Spider which would be nice.

Personally I would either invest in another female or two or a 3+ gene visual recessive male to guarantee that everything is a het, which would make selling them a little easier.

As for actually breeding… I’m sure a few people will drop you some tips below, but until then using the #breeding tag you will find lots of threads discussing the different aspects involved.

Good luck :crossed_fingers: