Quick emergency y’all 😞- spray paint & animals

So, as I’ve mentioned before, a good amount of issues I face regard not informing my family about the urgency of the requests I make to them about my animals are and how they are fragile and can’t handle something a person can handle.

Ok so. Onto the big ol emergency

Family member desires to SPRAY PAINT A DOOR right at the top of the stairs, I live downstairs important note, along with my animals, so I wake up to heavy chemical smells and can shaking, and once I finally get up I can hardly see through part of the room from the fumes. Good thing is I was sleeping out on a futon because I possibly stayed up a bit too late watching “is it cake” to keep my brain numbed in the meantime. Main question, should my collection of snakes and my mouse enclosure be ok in my room? Automatically I want to say no and panic, but I also don’t want to blow up in the situation or just generally react badly or over exaggerate the situation, not my door has holes all around the trim and is essentially detached from the wall with big chunks out of the trim at the bottom (originally how escape I recently found got out of my room) and I get super nervous, I’ve always been the kind of person to not give thought about putting on heavy masks and eyewear for spray paint but it’s because I’m spray painting some old bolts I want to use outside usually or a piece of track wood for enclosures.

Basically I want all of your guys’ opinions since I am FREAKING OUT and my nose stinging is not helping either. So far all I have planned is to cover the doorway somehow but I’m not entirely sure if I’m ok as is or should do more, best part is though is that the protective sheets are in the garage, the door that’s getting painted


First off, please point out to your family member that the warnings on spray paint say use in a well-ventilated area, NOT indoors. Second, does your room have a window? If so, get a fan and set it up so that you’re either exhausting the room air or pulling in fresh. If not, towel under the door and maybe Google the effects of spray paint exposure to people and use that to show your family member why it’s not okay to essentially poison the entire household. Also please inform them doors can be REMOVED for painting, and that spraying in a garage is still an enclosed, non-ventilated space even if the door is open, so long as the air flow is pushing the fumes into the house.

Idk if you have the ability, but maybe consider purchasing a HEPA filter or something for your room, it would be beneficial.


Since you are downstairs, and there was mention of a garage door being painted… Does that mean it’s more like a finished basement?
I would be concerned if that’s the case. The heavier fumes and particles could settle there if there isn’t enough ventilation and take quite a while to decisipate.

In the meantime, I would consider moving what you can (sorry I don’t know the extent of your collection) in bags or safe tubs to a more open and fumeless area.
The mice might be a bit better off than the reptiles/other critters… But only if you can get some heavy ventilation moving air asap. If not… They need to move too.


Main room is finished along with mine, but not the rest, after taking advice on here (thank you so much both) I’m going to make sure everybody is ok after explaining how precautions need to be taken when doing anything with chemicals indoors especially when they’re so close to my animals. Up to 125 people die every year in the US from spray paint related incidents, which is a small number quite honestly but a scary one when nobody around is taking precautions, people take doors off of hinges and outside to spray paint them for a reason :person_facepalming:

My room currently seems safe for the most part but I’m incredibly worried still, I’m finding a fan currently to use the window since I do have a small one besides taking rags and waving the gross air out since the best I can do is improvise at the moment. I’ve never had animals pass for these reasons I’m having issues with but I’ve had vet visits and health problems, along with myself. Right as the biggest smoke cloud to hit the basement ever occurs is the perfect day to also be the one to finally look at EKG results only to learn I have a compromised heart and they have no idea what it is :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Thank you again both so much, I doubt anybody is in true danger at this point but I’m still super worried since they’re my scaly and furry babies


This would be a very good point to use to make it clear toxins aren’t just unsafe for your animals. Heart issues can make you more susceptible to issues/illness from irritants & toxins as well. I hope they find whatever it is and can fix it, or at least make life manageable for you!

As for your animals, fans are your best friend in this situation. Just keep an eye out for any respiratory symptoms, but hopefully everyone will be just fine since it wasn’t a long-term exposure and you were on it quickly. I’ve got family members like yours (once poisoned me with chlorine gas because logic says vinegar + bleach must clean better than either alone :roll_eyes:) so I know how tough getting the point across can be.


Ok it might’ve just gotten way more urgent, noticing that my banana pinstripe had shed most likely last night or the day before that (shed was tucked away and hidden) I decided he might appreciate some exercise time outside so I decide to sit outside, while holding him my arm suddenly felt cold and wet and something started dripping off my arm before I realized there was a bunch of ever so slightly yellow tinted goop running fro my boy’s mouth, not knowing what to do I didn’t take a pic and instead wiped it away and off of his face, after his one hiccup which there was a good amount (enough to make a good solid drip streak down my arm and start actually dripping) I checked in his mouth and his mouth seems perfectly fine but his breathing seems a bit labored and even though he’s slung over my knees like usual, his favorite spot, I can see him kind of heaving and his breathing seems strained, his head also seems a bit less responsive but he’s moving normally at least besides the breathing. I’m assuming this is a vet ASAP situation so I’m trying to find a local clinic that I could get him to and convince my family he needs to see a vet asap. He’s not whistling or anything and doesn’t seem to be in distress or anything but I’m worried, especially how his breathing was in a resting state and the fact the liquid had a slight yellow tinge to it besides he spit up in the first place


Oh my goodness @lily_jacobsen! What a mess! The whole situation makes me mad that you are having to deal with this! I do hope your boy is going to be okay! And btw. I would make “the paint sprayer” responsible for your vet bill!!! :rage:


I appreciate the shared feelings, unfortunately since I’m the one living in their house all one hundo I’m responsible for, at least I have 60 waiting for me with my job and I have some calls I can make for the final 40. Makes me thankful I stocked up on food so I wouldn’t have to buy as often. Just hoping nobody else gets sick since I can hardly afford one vet appointment, dealing with 6 would be a doozy


Amen! :crossed_fingers:no one else is affected???


That I know of, I’m checking on everybody in a bit once I calm down and ensure nobody else is sick. Calling family member at other house I stay at reminds me of how much I’m waiting to move out :face_exhaling:


Sounds like your boy regurgitated some water mixed with stomach acid. While I’d suggest a vet just to be sure nothing’s amiss, it’s also possible this is the result of irritation from the fumes or being handled after a big drink. Imo, were it my animal, I’d monitor for 24-48 hours to see if it continues versus stressing the system more with a vet trip and exam. The breathing could just be temporary due to lung irritation, since snakes can’t cough to clear anything out.


Just read through all of this and its ridiculous and negligent some people can be. Just hoping all your animals are ok and un affected. IMO you should talk to the person who used the spray paint and tell them how much danger your poor babies could be in. Once again hoping they are all un affected by the fumes aswell as you.


AMEN @shadowspiderjack! Well said! :+1: