Rack question

Dumb question , bought a new rack , it has two outlets for thermostat does that mean I have to have two thermostats ? I only have one and one probe for it , will it heat the whole thing or probably not as two plugs would imply two separate sections of heat tape thus needing to be hooked up to two thermostats or one with multiple inputs. It was just a vivarium ve100 so that probably won’t get the job done

Often racks will have sectioned heat since the higher up on the rack the warmer those levels will tend to get. With a rack that isn’t terribly tall you can often get by with a single thermostat just using a surge protector/multi out plug.

For example, using multiple heat sources with one thermostat, I have a VE6 rack with a VE2 ontop of it. They both use the same diameter heat tape and I have them both plugged into a VE200 Thermostat. The bottom level is a couple degrees cooler than the top level, but within my desired parameters. Another rack, that I built uses 5 different ultratherm heat mats all plugged into a surge protector and controlled by a Vivarium Electronics Hobbystat. They stay within a couple degrees as well.
Picture is of the 5 level using ultratherm heat mats.


Thank you for the reply , it’s a c serpent 36 tub hatchling / grow out , I think I need a thermostat with 2 inputs or another as I’m not certain it’s heating the whole thing with just one plugged in , guess I could always ask Chris lol


You will need to get a surge protector or something to have both plugged in simultaneously, sorry I don’t have any pics right now but on my rack each level has its own cord, I plug them all into a surge protector and plug the surge protector into the thermostat.


Lol for some reason when I just read this. I asked myself,”Why would he need two surge protectors. What kind of 40 stack racks is he using! It is like a super breeder.” Lol :joy: I am dying!

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Lol, I don’t have that many snakes :joy: maybe in my dreams

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