That was my problem. Now thanks to the sales side of MM I have 22 snakes total, but not all are ball pythons……
The best way to go is a rack system, for space. Balls seem to thrive in them as they like small darker spaces.
An alternative to a rack would be a home made. Just a normal shelve system will work. You can put your tank (if you are keeping it) on one shelve and have 4 or 5 other shelves for bins (anything that fits on the shelves).these can also be small to start and changed out as needed with bigger ones. Heat supplies can be found at “the bean farm” for good prices.
Shelve unit =100
Bins = 10—25 each
Heat tape depends on how long you need it
Thermostat depends on waht type you want and how much you want to spend.
(an alternative to heat tape is, pads with an adjustable thermostat attached, from Amazon, =12 each)
It is possible to do it all under 250. Here is a link on how to do it.
Thank you! I could not have said or explained it better!
My husband would probably divorce me. Lol