Raising Locust and Grasshoppers as Feeders?

Sorry if this already exists. I feed roaches to my panthers currently and the occasional crickets as treats cause they like hunting them- they stink, however. Worst bug ever and I love bugs. I am looking to raise grasshoppers or locusts either in an outdoor enclosure in my greenhouse, I just want to know if anyone uses them as feeders successfully! Thanks so much! :slight_smile:


Grasshoppers for sure have been used as by quite a few breeders for reptiles and some fish. Locusts I think may depend on where you live?
In California we’re allowed to use hornworms as feeders, but they want you to freeze them when they pupate so they don’t turn into moths.

Honestly… The colony of Dubia roaches I’ve kept smells SO MUCH better than any cricket colony I’ve been around… I don’t know if grasshoppers are as bad or not… They’re also prone to cannibalize each other as well. So I don’t know if that would make things better or worse for you.


Grasshoppers take something ridiculous, like ten times as much space as crickets to keep properly

Better bet would be to order them as needed from one of the few feeder outfits that provide them


Thanks so much! I raise several species of roach (I mostly keep bugs). Who knows maybe I will just stick to ordering crickets every once and a while

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Ya I am mostly a bug keeper so it’s not housing them I am worried about (my halloween hissers colony has a 75 gallon bioactive jungle floor enclosure so over the top housing is not an issue for me). I am worried about the nutritional value of crickets as opposed to the larger bug variations which was the exodus of my research into them! Thanks so much for the advice- for now you’re suggestion really is best, order a few crickets when I need them!

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Apologies, I was unclear. My suggestion was to contact one of the feeder outfits that actually rears and sells feeder grasshoppers. There are a couple out there :+1:t4: