I’ve been debating back and forth for awhile now on whether or not to sell off my geckos. I have odd allergic reactions to them, though their habitats are always kept clean. My only question is, how in the WORLD does one price a crested gecko? I’ve gone through dozens of ads, but there are so many variations I’ve been unable to find a good base. I have two females that were given to me awhile ago, both about 4 years of age. Honeypot (yellow) is currently 40g after dropping infertiles, and Sleepy (red) topped out at 46g today. Both have full tails. (Apologies for the partial body photos; chose what showed most of their backs in good lighting).
I’ve never been sure of their morphs, as they seem to be a bit muddled, but both are just gorgeous and I wouldn’t want to accidentally price them unreasonably. Might anyone have suggestions on what to base a price off of?