Recommended LED Lumens For A 24 x 18 x 18 Enclosure

I expect to be using an LED shop fixture of around 2 feet to give illumination during the day. The color temp of the LEDs will be daylight of at least 5000K.

Looking on Amazon, there are numerous examples to choose from. They are all generally intended to illuminate larger areas than my enclosure. I want supply enough light both for the plants I’ll use and also for the snake’s home to be nicely lit.

But I don’t want to make the snake think an atom bomb has gone off in his neighborhood.

Any thoughts?

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Unfortunately I don’t know anything about your lighting question but I would not go overboard with light because I am willing to bet that your boy is currently living in a tub with natural lighting so you don’t want to bombard him with a ton of light.

But again, I am a tub keeper so overhead lighting is Greek to me! :blush:

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Yeah, I only want to give enough light. Most of the shop lights I’m seeing on Amazon give way more lumens that I think is good.

If you go to special reptile supply businesses the price goes up dramatically.

I’m going to continue searching in places like Amazon and Home Depot, etc to see if a lower lumen bulb can be found.

Thanks for chipping in Caron!

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