I haven’t done a lot of research about redfoot tortoises, so I don’t know if they are a dryer/humid species or the ideal parameters for them. But, these are some links where you can get a lot of useful information.
Recently, I came across another rescue situation, a young lady with another space and moving crisis asked for help with… Atlas. She told me at one point Atlas was a purchase made at an expo, through LLL Reptiles, some may be familiar with the company, but she was sold as a Grenada Island Red Foot, and I don’t have much info past that, hatch date or anything, she stopped communicating with me after a couple of days following my correspondence about the changes I made for Atlas and her enclosure, …
(edit: I have work, A LOT of work, to do on this still, help me ADD to this, any editing that needs to be done, explain why, rather than simply exchanging information)
Husbandry and Basic Information, primarily for indoor keeping
Chelonoidis carbonaria, Red Foot Tortoise
Habitat Needs and Recommendations: (in regards to indoor keeping)
Substrate requirements: Red Foot Tortoises require a high level of humidity, about 60 - 80%, which requires substrate that can cycle moisture well without d…