Register as a seller, but other sellers can’t see my buyer records

Hi community, I registered my accident as a seller, but all other sellers can not see my buyer record.

Is this a technical problem? How can I resolve this?


If they’re on a free account there’s no way to access them.

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the other sellers are paid members. I am currently as a free account.

One seller told me as a paid member he should have access to see my buyer record but can’t. Don’t know why.

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Hmm. Are they sellers you have messaged on MM or elsewhere? Because unless you have messaged them through the MM inquiry, you can’t look at a person’s profile to see the history rating.
You would only be able to see the seller page for store feedback, which as a new seller, you don’t have yet.

Although I could be wrong as I’m under a free account ATM myself. XD;

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Thank you very much but yes I communicated and bought snakes on MM. But they can’t see my buyer ranking and review.

I need to do screenshots sometimes to show I have a very good buying record.:sweat_smile: