Remember everyone, GStripe is a boring dead morph that no one wants to work with


@caryl the “genetic” part of the name is just to differentiate that it is in fact a inheritable trait. There are lots of just plain normals with stripes running down their dorsal and these are usually just one offs or dinkers at best, not very often any kind of repeatable pattern, that’s the only reason that I know of.:smiley:


I want a pastel dg g stripe.


Not quite relating to g-stripe, but more so with acid. I’ve seen some listings lately labeling a snake as acid/confusion. Are they recognized as the same thing now?


@nswilkerson1 I think acid, confusion, and static are very similar if not different bloodlines of the same morph. Maybe also people are breeding acid to confusions which they label as acid/confusion just like people that breed enhancer to dg label dg/enhancer? @t_h_wyman would be the one to ask for sure though.


Back in the early days of ball pythons, there were a number of striped animals that had come in from the wild. GeneticStripe was the first of these to be proven out as a legitimate morph and so it was given that name. Over time, the parlance has shifted to GStripe some times just because we tend to shorthand things in the hobby (“BEL” instead of Blue-Eyed Leucistic, “Lucy” instead of Leucistic, “het” instead of heterozygous, “Cinny” instead of Cinnamon, “HRA” instead of HetRed Axanthic, “HGW” instead of Hidden Gene Woma, “Mojo” instead of Mojave, and on and on and on). GStripe remained the only proven stripe morph for quite some time (I want to say nearly a decade) before Specter was stumbled upon.

TriSripe came much much later than GStripe

Some of us feel that Acid, Confusion, and Static are alleles with a somewhat narrow division between them similar to what we see with alleles like, for example, BlkPastel, Cinnamon, and HetRed Axanthic

Others feel that they are all the same

Others feel that Acid and Confusion are the same but Static is a little different

That is part of the reason you see people throwing some or all of the morphs into their listings

Another, kind of less ethical as far as I am concerned, reason people do it is intentional obfuscation. Some people only want Confusion because that is what Kobylka works with and so, to sell their Acid or Static animals, breeders will list them as Confusion/Acid/Static as if they are the same and never actually clarify what the pairing was and rely on people just focusing on the first name as being what the morph actually is

A third reason we might see it is people working with multiple lines that might have paired both to one female and so they do not know which male could be the father

One more reason we see it is in cases were the person legitimately does not know. Like they may have picked the animal up from a wholesaler that took in a bunch of hatchlings from multiple places and they did not keep track of what came from who so they just put all the morphs on them


Was just a wild guess, turns out a wrong one at that. Thanks for the correction!

Also thanks for the clarification on the acid/static/confusion debate. Seems interesting. It’s a gene I haven’t looked into much, so I wasn’t sure but have just started seeing some pop up on morphmarket that way lately.


Thanks for that. I’m a long-term corn snake addict (with no desire for recovery lol). With corns, barring a very few possibilities such as disruption of pattern caused by incubation errors, stripes are genetic. Several genes can cause striping; Stripe, Tessera, Terrazzo and Motley can all present visually with striped and not-striped appearance. I’ve only been dabbling in learning bp morphs as a bystander for a couple years. It’s fascinating.

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Thank you for that explanation. I know it wasn’t specially for me but I really do appreciate your taking the time to do it. It’s helpful for us bp- learners.


Stellar Specimen

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More meant as an informational than a correctional :+1:t4:

In a way it kind of was for you because you asked the question. The bonus is that it is a chance to get the information out there for everyone else that was also unaware of the history behind the gene


This looks tri-stripe. Great color & contrast.


Thanks! He’s a banana leopard g-stripe het clown. Just gotta find him a clown/g-stripe girl now.


Workin on the boring g stripe myself! Vpi lav snow 66% gstripe, pastel desert ghost :100: g stripe! Im really hopin for a boring pastel gstripe tripple het! :joy: