So I’m a nerd that spends too much time looking at listings on MorphMarket and one of the things that peeves me is how much neater the categories could be.
For example, there is a category for Agamas in Other Lizards as well as Sailfin Dragons category which are also Agamas. Making it so there’s two technically correct places to list your Sailfin Dragon! Some categories that were added have become overgrown and need their own subcategories to making searching easier. Anyways, here’s an organization for the categories that will help make things a bit more straighforward (Categorizes with subcategories I didn’t bother listing are assumed unchanged):
1. Boas
a. Boa Constrictors
b. Dumeril's Boas
c. Rainbow Boas
d. Rosy Boas
e. Sand Boas
f. Tree Boas
g. Other Boas
2. Colubrids
a. Bull Snakes
b. Corn Snakes
c. Garter Snakes
d. Gopher Snakes
e. Hognose Snakes
f. King Snakes
g. Milk Snakes
h. Pine Snakes
i. Rat Snakes
j. Other Colubrids
3. House Snakes
4. Pythons
a. Ball Pythons
b. Burmese Pythons
c. Carpet Pythons
d. Green Tree Pythons
e. Reticulated Pythons
f. Short-Tailed Pythons
g. Other Pythons
5. Other Snakes* (Added to include outliers)
1. Agamas
a. Bearded Dragons
b. Frilled Lizards
c. Sailfin Dragons
d. Uromastyx
e. Water Dragons
f. Other Agamas* (Rename from just "Agamas")
2. Anoles
3. Chameleons
4. Geckos
a. African Fat-Tailed Gecko
b. Chahoua Geckos
c. Crested Geckos
d. Day Geckos
e. Gargoyle Geckos
f. Knob-Tailed Geckos
g. Leachianus Geckos
h. Leopard Geckos
i. Tokay Geckos
j. Other Geckos
5. Iguanas
a. Central American Iguanas
b. Chuckwallas
c. Green Iguanas
d. Grenadines Horned Iguanas
e. Lesser Antillean Iguanas
f. Saban Black Iguanas
g. Other Iguanas
6. Monitors
a. Ackie Monitors
b. Black-Throated Monitors
c. Crocodile Monitors
d. Mangrove Monitors
e. Nile Monitors
f. Roughneck Monitors
g. Savannah Monitors
h. Tree Monitors
i. Water Monitors
j. White-Throated Monitors
k. Other Monitors
7. Skinks
a. Blue-Tongued Skinks
b. Monkey-Tailed Skinks
c. Other Skinks
8. Tegus & Whiptails* (Rename from just "Tegus")
a. Argentine Tegus
b. Caiman Lizards
c. Columbian Tegus
d. Crocodile Tegus
e. Whiptail Lizards
f. Other Tegus
1. Tortoises
a. Aldabra Tortoises
b. Galapogos Tortoises
c. Greek Tortoises
d. Hermann's Tortoises
e. Indian Star Tortoises
f. Leopard Tortoises
g. Red-Food Tortoises
h. Russian Tortoises
i. Sulcata Tortoises
j. Other Tortoises
2. Other Turtles
a. Box Turtles
b. Mud & Musk Turtles
c. Pond Turtles
d. Side-Necked Turtles
e. Slider Turtles
f. Snake-Necked Turtles
g. Softshell Turtles
h. Terrapins
i. More Turtles* (Renamed because it's already in the Other Turtles category)
1. Frogs
a. Bull Frogs
b. Dart Frogs
c. Pacman Frogs
d. Tree Frogs
e. Toads
f. Other Frogs
2. Salamanders
a. Axolotls
b. Newts
c. Other Salamanders
1. Assassin Bugs
2. Beetles
3. Centipedes
4. Cockroaches
5. Isopods
a. Armadillidium* (This and the next three are additions)
b. Cubaris*
c. Porcellio*
d. Other Isopods*
6. Mantises
7. Millipedes
8. Solifugae
9. Scorpions
10. Spiders
a. Funnel-Web Spiders
b. Jumping Spiders
c. Orb-Weaver Spiders
d. Sheetweb Spiders
e. Trapdoor Spiders
f. Tarantulas
g. Wolf Spiders
h. Other Spiders
11. Stick Insects
12. Other Invertebrates
I kept every category intact, just moved things around. I see too many sellers that make the mistake of putting their listing in the wrong place and I hope this helps both sellers and customers be able to find exactly the place they’re looking for
I like this a lot actually. It would make the homepage more neat looking and I feel it would be more functional.
I would change the “Other Turtles” to just “Turtles”. Yes, tortoises are also turtles but I think having it list as “Other” would just lead to confusion.
Tarantulas should also be separate from the Spiders as they aren’t true spiders and they are popular enough to justify having their own category.
Chameleons should probably also be broken down into panther, veiled, carpet, Jackson’s, and other.
I think Argus monitors as well as peach-throat monitors should also be listed.
I may be missing a few other things but you also forgot the crocodilians, not that they should be active publicized; I think the way it is now is for the best of the hobby.
Oh yeah I forgot the crocs, though theyre categorized fine as they are I suppose. Tarantulas are spiders still so the “true” spiders label might confuse some buyers, but given how theres nearly 1000 tarntula listings, I get that.
I considered all your changes and made a new list:
1. Boas
a. Boa Constrictors
b. Dumeril's Boas
c. Rainbow Boas
d. Rosy Boas
e. Sand Boas
f. Tree Boas
g. Other Boas
2. Colubrids
a. Bull Snakes
b. Corn Snakes
c. Garter Snakes
d. Gopher Snakes
e. Hognose Snakes
f. King Snakes
g. Milk Snakes
h. Pine Snakes
i. Rat Snakes
j. Other Colubrids
3. House Snakes
4. Pythons
a. Ball Pythons
b. Burmese Pythons
c. Carpet Pythons
d. Green Tree Pythons
e. Reticulated Pythons
f. Short-Tailed Pythons
g. Other Pythons
5. Other Snakes* (Added to include outliers)
1. Agamas
a. Bearded Dragons
b. Frilled Lizards
c. Sailfin Dragons
d. Uromastyx
e. Water Dragons
f. Other Agamas* (Rename from just "Agamas")
2. Anoles
3. Chameleons
a. Carpet* (additions)
b. Jackson's Chameleons*
c. Panther Chameleons*
d. Veiled Chameleons*
e. Other Chameleons*
4. Geckos
a. African Fat-Tailed Gecko
b. Chahoua Geckos
c. Crested Geckos
d. Day Geckos
e. Gargoyle Geckos
f. Knob-Tailed Geckos
g. Leachianus Geckos
h. Leopard Geckos
i. Tokay Geckos
j. Other Geckos
5. Iguanas
a. Central American Iguanas
b. Chuckwallas
c. Green Iguanas
d. Grenadines Horned Iguanas
e. Lesser Antillean Iguanas
f. Saban Black Iguanas
g. Other Iguanas
6. Monitors
a. Ackie Monitors
b. Argus Monitors
c. Black-Throated Monitors
d. Crocodile Monitors
e. Mangrove Monitors
f. Nile Monitors
g. Peach-Throat Monitors* (adddition)
h. Roughneck Monitors
i. Savannah Monitors
j. Tree Monitors
k. Water Monitors
l. White-Throated Monitors
m. Other Monitors
7. Skinks
a. Blue-Tongued Skinks
b. Monkey-Tailed Skinks
c. Other Skinks
8. Tegus & Whiptails* (Rename from just "Tegus")
a. Argentine Tegus
b. Caiman Lizards
c. Columbian Tegus
d. Crocodile Tegus
e. Whiptail Lizards
f. Other Tegus
9. Other Lizards
1. Tortoises
a. Aldabra Tortoises
b. Galapogos Tortoises
c. Greek Tortoises
d. Hermann's Tortoises
e. Indian Star Tortoises
f. Leopard Tortoises
g. Red-Food Tortoises
h. Russian Tortoises
i. Sulcata Tortoises
j. Other Tortoises
2. Turtles
a. Box Turtles
b. Mud & Musk Turtles
c. Pond Turtles
d. Side-Necked Turtles
e. Slider Turtles
f. Snake-Necked Turtles
g. Softshell Turtles
h. Terrapins
i. Other Turtles
1. Frogs
a. Bull Frogs
b. Dart Frogs
c. Pacman Frogs
d. Tree Frogs
e. Toads
f. Other Frogs
2. Salamanders
a. Axolotls
b. Newts
c. Other Salamanders
1. Assassin Bugs
2. Beetles
3. Centipedes
4. Cockroaches
5. Isopods
a. Armadillidium* (This and the next three are additions)
b. Cubaris*
c. Porcellio*
d. Other Isopods*
6. Mantises
7. Millipedes
8. Solifugae
9. Scorpions
10. Tarantulas
11. True Spiders
a. Funnel-Web Spiders
b. Jumping Spiders
c. Orb-Weaver Spiders
d. Sheetweb Spiders
e. Trapdoor Spiders
f. Wolf Spiders
g. Other Spiders
12. Stick Insects
13. Other Invertebrates
I would also add map turtles and painted turtles. Map turtles and painted turtles are both very common in the pet trade and there are a decent number of people breeding them so adding them would make a lot of sense. I almost suggest snapping turtles but I personally think having them in other would keep impulse buying them a little lower.
What about Caecilians and sirens?
This may be a weird idea but what about adding a “feeders” category? That would make sorting through everything a lot easier. I think a springtail category would be good as well. And what about aquatic invertebrates?
Do you plan on adding a fish and plant section as well?
I’m always onboard for adding more subcategories, so I’ll add those. I’ll add some others I think should get their own subcategories because they’re starting to fill up the outlier categories.
I think a feeder category would be good, but I’m not too sure if the owner of morphmarket and would want to add one. If we can’t have a feeder category, it would be alright to have these subcategories added: Crickets/Grasshoppers and Caterpillars
I left the aquatics and plants out because they’re categorized well already in my opinion. In the mix of this reorganization, they would be considered main categories like Lizards and Snakes.
Here’s the new list:
1. Boas
a. Boa Constrictors
b. Dumeril's Boas
c. Rainbow Boas
d. Rosy Boas
e. Sand Boas
f. Tree Boas
g. Other Boas
2. Colubrids
a. Bull Snakes
b. Corn Snakes
c. Garter Snakes
d. Gopher Snakes
e. Hognose Snakes
f. King Snakes
g. Milk Snakes
h. Pine Snakes
i. Rat Snakes
j. Other Colubrids
3. House Snakes
4. Pythons
a. Ball Pythons
b. Burmese Pythons
c. Carpet Pythons
d. Green Tree Pythons
e. Reticulated Pythons
f. Short-Tailed Pythons
g. Other Pythons
5. Other Snakes
1. Agamas
a. Bearded Dragons
b. Frilled Lizards
c. Sailfin Dragons
d. Uromastyx
e. Water Dragons
f. Other Agamas
2. Anoles
3. Chameleons
a. Carpet Chameleons
b. Jackson's Chameleons
c. Panther Chameleons
d. Veiled Chameleons
e. Other Chameleons
4. Geckos
a. African Fat-Tailed Gecko
b. Chahoua Geckos
c. Crested Geckos
d. Day Geckos
e. Gargoyle Geckos
f. Knob-Tailed Geckos
g. Leachianus Geckos
h. Leopard Geckos
i. Tokay Geckos
j. Other Geckos
5. Iguanas
a. Central American Iguanas
b. Chuckwallas
c. Green Iguanas
d. Grenadines Horned Iguanas
e. Lesser Antillean Iguanas
f. Saban Black Iguanas
g. Other Iguanas
6. Monitors
a. Ackie Monitors
b. Argus Monitors
c. Black-Throated Monitors
d. Crocodile Monitors
e. Mangrove Monitors
f. Nile Monitors
g. Peach-Throat Monitors
h. Roughneck Monitors
i. Savannah Monitors
j. Tree Monitors
k. Water Monitors
l. White-Throated Monitors
m. Other Monitors
7. Skinks
a. Blue-Tongued Skinks
b. Monkey-Tailed Skinks
c. Other Skinks
8. Tegus & Whiptails
a. Argentine Tegus
b. Caiman Lizards
c. Columbian Tegus
d. Crocodile Tegus
e. Whiptail Lizards
f. Other Tegus
9. Other Lizards
a. Alligator Lizards
b. Beaded Lizards (Includes Gila Monsters as well)
c. Collared Lizards
d. Keel Bellied Lizards
e. Lacertas
f. Legless Lizards
g. More Lizards
1. Tortoises
a. Aldabra Tortoises
b. Galapogos Tortoises
c. Greek Tortoises
d. Hermann's Tortoises
e. Indian Star Tortoises
f. Leopard Tortoises
g. Red-Food Tortoises
h. Russian Tortoises
i. Sulcata Tortoises
j. Other Tortoises
2. Turtles
a. Box Turtles
b. Map Turtles
c. Mud & Musk Turtles
d. Painted Turtles
e. Pond Turtles
f. Side-Necked Turtles
g. Slider Turtles
h. Snake-Necked Turtles
i. Softshell Turtles
j. Terrapins
k. Other Turtles
1. Frogs
a. Bull Frogs
b. Dart Frogs
c. Pacman Frogs
d. Tree Frogs
e. Toads
f. Other Frogs
2. Salamanders
a. Axolotls
b. Caecilians
c. Newts
d. Sirens
e. Other Salamanders
1. Assassin Bugs
2. Beetles
3. Caterpillars
4. Centipedes
5. Cockroaches
6. Crickets/Grasshoppers
7. Isopods
a. Armadillidium
b. Cubaris
c. Porcellio
d. Other Isopods
8. Mantises
9. Millipedes
10. Solifugae
11. Scorpions
12. Tarantulas
13. True Spiders
a. Funnel-Web Spiders
b. Jumping Spiders
c. Orb-Weaver Spiders
d. Sheetweb Spiders
e. Trapdoor Spiders
f. Wolf Spiders
g. Other Spiders
14. Stick Insects
15. Other Invertebrates