Lol the dog is like what the heck are you . I hope when I get my 1st ever reptile hopefully later this year that my dog just takes an interest and doesnt think of it as a target to hunt.
Ahh thank you
This is Mordiggian. He’s truly become my best buddy since I was offered the opportunity to bring him home. He’s an Albino Goldenchild Tiger Jampea/Karompa cross retic from Reach Out Reptiles. I got into the reptile hobby because it seems to help with my anxiety disorder, and having this dude sit with me while I’m watching TV or gaming has been some of the most calming time I’ve had.
Oh my look at that cute derpy face <3
Awesome snake very cool orange color, This is definitely my favorite so far!
@hinglesherps - Fire Blade Clown
Yeah, that can be done with training.
Alan (the dog) is at that point where he just doesn’t care anymore.
Umm…thats a rhino iguana right?
Lol… dog is like wtf haha
Beautiful i want a 2.1 pair of southerns
Southerns haven’t been popping up for sale recently like they did for a while. I know the few breeders that were producing them all had waiting lists and also some importers. Hope to see more cbb produced in the hobby. Best of luck finding your trio and producing some yourself.
My precious Pinstripe Het Albino girl. Bad blur from the flash, but she held perfectly still for me.
Thats so adorable. I really hope I can get them one day. Such cute piggy snooted serpents . Gotta get my petition in first though since as mildly venomous their still likely forbidden.