Reptile Quiz

Let’s try and give a quiz a go on here, just for some light hearted fun.
I’m not sure if the layout will allow it to work perfectly but… :man_shrugging: we shall see.

I will keep this short and sweet just to see how it goes and will post the answers and results in a day or two if all goes well.

No googling :wink:

  1. Reticulated Python

Growing up to 30 feet long, the reticulated python (Python reticulatus) of southeastern Asia and the East Indies is the longest snake in the world. These giants have an average weight of 250 pounds, but the largest known specimen in existence weighs in at a whopping 350 pounds.

Even at this enormous size, the Reticulated Python is still not the largest to ever have slivered the planet. That award goes to the now extinct Titanoboa, that stretched out to a huge 13m (42ft).

  1. Brooksia Micra

The males of Brookesia micra reach a maximum snout-vent length of 16 mm (0.63 in), and the total body length of both of the sexes is less than 30 mm (1.2 in), ranking it among the smallest amniote vertebrates found anywhere in the world.

  1. False

Not all reptiles lay eggs. A example is a Boa Constrictor which give birth to live, developed babies.

link for more

  1. False (Antarctica)

Antarctica, including the subantarctic islands, has no natural fully terrestrial mammals, reptiles, or amphibians. Human activity has however led to the introduction in some areas of foreign species, such as rats, mice, chickens, rabbits, cats, pigs, sheep, cattle, reindeer, and various fish.

  1. True (can’t stick out tongue)

Crocs have a membrane that holds their tongue in place on the roof of their mouth so it doesn’t move. This makes it impossible for them to stick it outside of their narrow mouths, according to the BBC. That can be handy for the reptile when snapping its jaws shut rapidly.

  1. Inland Taipan (0.01mg/kg)

Based on the median lethal dose value in mice, the venom of the inland taipan is by far the most toxic of any snake – much more so than even that of sea snakes – and it has the most toxic venom of any reptile when tested on human heart cell culture. The inland taipan is a specialist hunter of mammals, so its venom is specially adapted to kill warm-blooded species. It is estimated that one bite possesses enough lethality to kill at least 100 fully grown men,and, depending on the nature of the bite, it has the potential to kill someone in as little as 30 to 45 minutes if left untreated. It is an extremely fast and agile snake that can strike instantly with extreme accuracy, often striking multiple times in the same attack, and it envenomates in almost every case.

What is the longest snake species still in existence?

  • Reticulated Python
  • Burmese Python
  • Boa Constrictor
  • Garter Snake

0 voters

What is the smallest reptile still in existence?

  • Crested Gecko
  • Brookesia Micra
  • Leatherback Sea turtle
  • Green Anaconda

0 voters

All reptiles lay eggs?

  • True
  • False

0 voters

Reptiles can be found in the wild in every continent of the world?

  • True
  • False

0 voters

Crocodiles can’t stick out their tongues?

  • True
  • False

0 voters

Most venomous reptile in the world?

  • King Cobra
  • Inland Taipan
  • Saw Scaled Viper
  • Western Hognose

0 voters

Which of the following made it possible for reptiles to make a complete transition to land?

  • amniote egg
  • 3 chambered heart
  • double loop circulation
  • nictitating membrane

0 voters

Which of the following pairs is most closely related?

  • snake and lizard
  • crocodile and tuatara
  • alligator and komodo dragon
  • alligator and alligator snapping turtle

0 voters

Which part of the amniote egg is responsible for storing waste?

  • chorion
  • yolk sac
  • amnion
  • allantois

0 voters

Sea snakes and turtles breathe…?

  • with gills
  • with lungs
  • through their skin
  • through their chorion

0 voters

Turtles and Tortoises belong to the ORDER…?

  • Squamata
  • Crocodilia
  • Testudines
  • Rynchocephalia

0 voters

The top of the turtle’s shell is called the…?

  • plastron
  • cloaca
  • carapace
  • nictitating membrane

0 voters

Which of the following reptiles has a third eye and only lives in New Zealand?

  • tuatara
  • komodo dragon
  • gila monster
  • anaconda

0 voters

Snakes are thought to have evolved from…?

  • crocodilians
  • lizards
  • eels
  • salamanders

0 voters

Ovoviviparous snakes…

  • are venomous
  • incubate eggs within the body
  • lay eggs in nests
  • do not have an amnion

0 voters


Are we going to have harder quizzes in the future? This one was easy mode lol.


I’ve never heard of the crocodile thing though.

:joy: definitely. This is just round one :yum:


Dont push it Ashley haha. I know he could make harder ones than this. This was just a warm up but still fun. Would love to do this every now and again.


There is more questions if anyone fancies taking part :blush:


This one was pretty easy, I think


Realy? I had to guess a few. :grimacing:


I didn’t know all of these. How do I see the answers so I know which I got right and which I got wrong without googling everything?

1 Like

I can consider posting the answers for the quiz but everyone in the future would know. It might be a few hours but I can private message you the answers


Oops I thought this was my reptile quiz. Let @eaglereptiles say that it ok first


The answers for 1-6 can be found at the very top, hidden in the blur…
7-15 will be revealed when we get roughly 30 voters :yum:


An updated answer to this question may be in order due to a newly discovered tiny guy this year!