Reptile Racks

Does anyone know anything about Lone Star Reptile Racks?

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I purchased from him twice. The first purchase went well. Nothing was ever shipped for the second order.

Though I ultimately got a full refund for the second purchase (though over a year later), my contacting him repeatedly was not adequate and eventually he stopped responding to my emails entirely. I had to take the issue to a community for reptile-related business reviews and publicly post the receipt and all email communication before any action was taken.

I recommend a different supplier. If you go with LSRR, keep screen shots of all of your receipts, email, etc. Ideally order 1+ years in advance and know nothing may ever arrive and you may need to seek outside mediation. Definitely do NOT purchase tubs separately/in advance, as the rack may never materialize.

Please note that my experience is just one experience, but it was negative and extremely inconvenient to resolve. That said, many people indicated to me that they have had nothing but positive interactions with LSRR, and they were shocked at my situation. If you purchase in person, at a reptile show, and you leave with the rack in your possession, I think the odds are good that everything will go fine. Get a written receipt that you can resort to if needed.