Reptile testing

Was looking into getting some testing equipment (mail off style) for checking the health of incoming animals. This is a subject of which I am pretty dumb about. Is there anyone who has guidance on good quality tests they have used?



if you are looking for testing kits like for nido, crypyto, ect than there are a few. But the two most notiable ones are


Keep an ear out for tonight’s episode of Snakes & Stogies as well :+1:t4:


Yes, it will be for any incoming Animals I have. I forgot to mention they are all boas.

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So you want an IBD test.

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Are there any others to do? THEN, and this I am sure is a dumb question, would you still quarantine for 90 days?

I would absolutely still quarantine. Ninety days is actually a short quarantine.

IBD is your biggest boojum but there are a handful of others that spring to mind. Paramyxovirus is another common one, serpentovirus is rare in boas but occasionally pops up. Reo- and adenovisuses are two other rarer ones

As shashton notes, quarantine is absolutely necessary. Tests are helpful but they are not the absolute last word. They are, on very rare occasion, incorrect. They are also only good for known agents and only those tested for, so if your snake had something else you did not/could not test for then you might catch it during quarantine.

How long you choose to quarantine is up to you. I advocate 90 days as a minimum (and for my personal collection I have gone as long as a year)

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100% necessary to quarantine even with negative test results.

As a side, make sure you are quarantining correctly. No Shared Products ( Sprayers, feeding utensils, and water bottles ). I also believe that quarantined animals should last out of your collection to so that you aren’t carrying pathogens. Also, definitely house them in a true separate room, it brings me peace of mind, lol.

Thank you everyone for the input. It looks to be just as i expected but wanted to be sure.