Rescued this dragon from a friend of a friend because they were neglecting “her”. I say “her” because I’m not exactly sure if male or female. Any ideas of what morph he / she could be?
@thebeardedherper or @welshmorphology might be able to help.
I would say it is just a normal myself, but I could be missing something.
Pretty sure fat and cold don’t qualify as morphs. This dude looks like a normal in need of a reduced diet and maybe a higher watt heat lamp.
Er I don’t think that dragon is fat, just “pancaking”. If I’m seeing things correctly it actually looks like the tail and hips are starting to show bone which makes it too skinny. I’d take the dragon off of the loose sub and put it on paper towel for now and make sure it it isn’t impacted
This is a normal, and it is underweight. It’s bones are sticking out.
Like I said I received her from someone that was neglecting her so I’m trying to put weight back on her currently. In THIS this photo she was pancaking after getting out of a bath. I use this substrate for all my other dragons and I’ve never had a problem. Currently using a 150 watt bulb as well as a UVB. I was assuming she was a normal but she has that stripe down her back and at other times she is white with peach/yellow lol thank you all for your input!
She is pancaking after a bath and is currently underweight. I rescued her. I use a 150 watt bulb as well as uvb.
I agree just a super under weight normal. Good luck @inkii93 and good on ya.
Yeah, I’m not too knowledgeable on beardies and even I didn’t think it was fat… looked more “flat” to me and now I’ve learned it’s called “pancaking”
Best of luck to you! Would love to see update pics as you go along, so we can hopefully see this boy/girl healthy again.
Yes! I’ll post pics soon. I’ve had her for about 2 weeks and she’s been doing much better already putting on good weight and eating really well! She’s about to shed as well! Can’t wait to show y’all how much better she looks! (I say “she” because I think she’s a female)
Yup thin dude…They store fat in base of tail and he hardly has no fat reserves in his…But as OP said its a rescue so hopefully he’ll fatten him up. I’m not a fan of the substrate but to each their own.