Room and rack system humidity

So I got my rack system set up. But I’m having humidity in middle 90s. The substrate is barely wet at all. I’m change to a smaller water bowl and see if that helps. I also vented the tubs so there’s ventilation but it’s still up. Any suggestions if this doesn’t work! Room is about 73 degrees with 66% humidity.


If your room humidity is 66% then the additional humidity has to be coming from your substrate.

If you are using something like coco you will want to dial in how much water you leave in the substrate based upon how much humidity the tub environment needs. If it’s staying too high you will want to dry it out longer. I personally live in a high humidity environment and dry my coco out almost completely before using it (takes a long time, 1-2 weeks+ with regular stirring).

Another option is to use paper. I use both paper and coco depending on the situation. With paper I pour a little extra water in the tub when the animal is in a shed cycle.


You could use paper towel as well. that’s what I use because I just like @biologicalcanvas I live in a high humidity environment. So for me I don’t have to wet the paper towel unless they are in shed otherwise they are completely dry. So you could try something like unprinted newspaper or paper towels and see if that lowers your humidity.


You can find unprinted newspaper very cheap on Amazon


Hi And welcome :slight_smile:
I use cheep recycled printer paper for most. A4 or A3
The normal printer paper is too glossy and has too much white and stains the tubs…
The humidity is then adjusted by larger or smaller water bowls.


Switched to paper towel problem solved!!! I appreciate the help!


Switched to paper towel, humidity is spot on!! I appreciate the help!


Yay! Sometimes you just have to go with what works if necessary! :+1:



This is the unprinted paper I like to use. A $30 box of it will last quite a long time, especially if you don’t have a very large collection. As a bonus I tear strips and crumple up the paper as padding for snake shipments too!

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