Rosy Boa Search


A friend of mine had an accidental clutch of ball pythons and is offering me first pick - so exciting!

However… a ball python is not the snake I have been looking for, my heart belongs to Rosy Boas when it comes to snakes. This offer of a baby ball has triggered my want for a Rosy and the search has begun, again. I find myself running into the exact same problems, there just aren’t any for sale, if there are, they’re outrageously priced, and they’re wild types.

I want a snow and a melanistic, or at least some that are het so I can try breeding, but everywhere I go is sold out. Even Facebook is a flop.

Do you have a secret place you go to for your rosy boa needs?

*edited for rule breaking/ deleted the breeder question.

I would start here:

Maybe reach out to these vendors and see if they have what you are looking for.

After that, I would suggest trying a FB group for rosies


I have done the FB group. As I said, it has been flop so far.

As for those breeders, they fall under the category of too expensive for a wild type. If they charge $250 for a normal, then imagine how expensive a specific morph would be. They aren’t feasible for me, personally.

Oh, I apologize, I didn’t mean to break a rule. My information on prices maybe out of date then. I was told to expect at the lowest $50.00, understandably, morphs would be more expensive. I have seen online prices for basics going at $99 and morphs $109 and up. But these are the places always sold out.

Perhaps I need to adjust my price expectations.

It’s quite sad, the lack of them. I found a site that looks promising though, so I am staking it out. I’m always watching Morphmarket, for them and gargoyle geckos.

Maybe I will snag something.

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Depending on where the breeders live, most Rosies should be dropping litters in July thru Sept, so I wouldn’t expect many 2020 born for at least several more months, if you are looking for babies. Mine tend to go late July to early Sept.
They definitely are more in depend than usual, last year’s litters were all more or less spoken for before even being born and I have a long wait list again this year.


Wow, that’s great for your litters! Thank you for the dates, they’ll help too.

well since there are dozens of species on morphmarket just use the filter so you can find something within your budget and set the category option to reptiles so it will show all the species available within your budget window and i think you will be bound to find something you like.

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That is a good idea, but I am set on only Rosy Boas and Gargoyle Geckos. I just patrol the pages continually because I have no life atm. Lol.