I’ve got my first bp around two months ago. She’s a gorgeous ivory and I’ve been working with her with choice based handling and target training.
Since I don’t handle her much, it’s hard to keep track of blemishes and things that may appear. Last night she asked to come out and I noticed two tiny (1mm) dark red/brown spots on her belly scales. I have the suspicion that it may be the beginning of scale rot? Mites have been ruled out. Also, she hasn’t shed since she’s with me.
Here are the spots:
She asked out today so I managed to snap the photo and also clean the spots with clorhexidine solution, just in case.
Now, with this in mind, and since she lives in a bioactive, to keep her hides dry and clean I had the idea of putting a leaf “bedding” under her hides, one that I could swich every now and then.
I thought it might be a good solution to keep everything as “clean” as possible, especially in her hides where she spends hours on end.
Finally, what do you guys think the spots are? Should I do something? Sterile quarantine? I’m all ears.