I picked this beautiful girl up today at Repticon. She was being sold as a 2 year old fire spider. She had some stuck shed on her face and down the first 1/3 of her, not much. Once I got it off I noticed her head looked a little different, the center almost looks as if there’s not any scales. Could she be or is it just something unique to her?
If she had a scrape on her head when she was younger would it heal over like that? Looks more like something like that to me than how the scaleless trait usually does.
I didn’t even think of that. It makes sense though. Thanks!
Hopefully someone else weighs in that can say for sure. You’ve had a lot more snakes than me Blue have you seen a scrape heal and look kind of like that?
Also how was repticon?
I currently have 14 lol. I had one that got loose and ended up with a few shallow cat scratches. She healed in one shed with no evidence of it ever happening. Hers weren’t on her head or very deep, I doubt she even bled more that a drop from all combined.
Repticon was good! I may go back tomorrow and see if I find any good deals lol. This one was definitely more diverse than the one in May
Looks like an old wound healed over. Most scaleless heads will have scales on entire body smaller then normal and split vent scale. Markers to look for.
Alrighty, other than that she seems pretty normal so it very well could be!
Yes it would be just like that but on the very last scale. Not a 100% marker, some scaleless heads dont have it. But either way still a beautiful animal.
Beautiful! I wasn’t sure since I have seen “scaleless head” snakes that didn’t seem to be missing any scales! I may grab a scaleless head male just to see, I’ve always wanted to see a full scaleless in person!
I did manage to get a scaleless head male to pair her with once she gets up to size. I showed the picture to a breeder and he wasn’t sure that she was only a spider fire (poss het scaleless head) and that she might have something else in her to make her so light. I searched on here for fire spider adults and they are much darker than her without having pastel or butter/lesser or something else. Does she have something else or is she just a super light fire spider? I have never had so many questions on one animal before .
My opinion, is that she has more then fire spider. Without knowing the pairing could not tell you for sure. This is my Fire Lesserbee.
That’s beautiful! Definitely more clean!
I would say she might be a fire pastel spider. Maybe super pastel fire spider.
Here are a couple old listings showing some similar snakes.
Yes! Both of those look super similar to her! Maybe the single pastel a little more so but still. Thank you so much!