Recently we added the new animal search with many new filters. Now, you can really dial in for certain trait combos. Let’s look at that in detail.
For a while now you’ve been able to:
- Choose traits you want to include and exclude.
- If you want to ONLY match animals with this exact combo, check the box “No additional traits”.
- If you want to control the total number of traits in the animal, set min and max values.
Trait Counting is the new killer search feature. It allows you to require certain kinds of extra traits. Let’s say you are looking for a Firefly (Pastel Fire) Ball Python, but you also want it to include:
- +1 visual recessive: Put min 1, max 1 and under counting choose Visual Recessives.
- +Double hets: Put min 2, max 2 and under counting choose Het Recessives.
- +2 or more of any recessive form: Put min 2, and under counting choose Any Recessive. This could match a “Firefly TSK Axanthic het Pied” or a “Firefly TSK Axanthic Pied”.
Of course that’s just the genetics. You can also add around 30 extra filters to further control your matches. Examples include:
- Limit to a single seller
- Limit to all sellers you follow
- Limit to sellers with USARK badge
- Limit to those with payment plans on animals as low as $500
And on and on…
You spent all that time to setup the search so Save it. You want us to let you know when one hits the market? Turn on the Alert. Let the fun begin.
Watch the video to see it in action!