Search filter link in tail

Another search filter should be defects for snakes with kinks entails for people who want to get a bigger deal on a snake and have no plan to breed them.

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Thats just pet only


Yeah, ‘pet only’ is where to go.

I had a boy with a bit of a head tilt I put there for that same reason.
If you have a breeder local to you that you’re friendly with you can also mention that you’re looking for a pet only.

The downside with a site like this is other people are also looking for good deals and not everyone is a reputable breeder. So not all of the ‘pet only’ are listed at a lower price so they can weed out people trying to get a cheap snake to breed.


I was in the middle of a meeting at work, and was going to reply. You hit my point exactly, there are too many people out there looking for a “deal” or a. “Scratch and dent discount” and will happily breed an animal with defects. That makes things like this hard for everyone in the hobby, unfortunately.


Gotcha appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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