Search Function Broken

This format is ridiculous, so I’ll just tell you the problem. The bug is in the search function. On the website. Can not search for more than one gene. When second gene is input, it deletes it. It is currently impossible for me to use gene serach. Please fix.

To report a bug please complete the following form in as much detail as possible.

About the bug

Summary of the issue:

Expected results:

Actual results:

Links to pages the bug is affecting:

When did you first notice it?:

Steps to reproduce the problem?:

Is this happening on the website, app or both?:

If its happening on the app, please tell us what version number you have installed:

Additional notes:

About your device

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Browser name:

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Please add as many screenshots as possible that could help explain what you are experiencing.

I’m not seeing the same issue on my end, so I cannot reproduce the issue to look into it. Can you please complete these parts of the template?

When did you first notice it?:

Steps to reproduce the problem?:

Is this happening on the website, app or both?:

If its happening on the app, please tell us what version number you have installed:

About your device

Device brand:

Device model:

Browser name:

Browser version:


Please add as many screenshots as possible that could help explain what you are experiencing.

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