Searches (multiple het options not available)

I noticed since the update, that on the boa lists. The het search isn’t available. Say I’m looking for a 100% het vpi, 100% het anerythristic type 1. I cannot search for the 100% het option for both. It gives me 50% and 66% het options though.

Not much help with boa genes, but I’m not seeing a vpi for boas. I’m able to click the filter option to the right hand side of the screen and select 100% het anery type 1, but vpi isn’t an option.
I’m probably just not familiar with the genes or how to add that in here for boas

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It just uses Het for 100% het X. I am seeing that VPI is not coming up though. @eaglereptiles.

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I took another look at it, as I was less rushed. Vpi shows up in the visual form, and you can select the “any trait form” option, but it doesn’t het vpi albino or het albino (vpi) show up currently.

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Ya i was running searches just looking around for 100% vpi and 100% anerythristic 1. I can select the 100% het vpi from the index. But once i typed in anerythristic type 1 to be included in the search. It would only give me options for 50 or 66% hets

That’s just an example though. There were some others like dh sharp blood. Not sure if something is wrong with the coding.


Yeah, I have been poking around after seeing this. I tagged Thomas so hopefully he can pass this along to our IT and we can get that addressed.

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It’s first thing in the morning for me right now, so I am likely misunderstanding … but VPI is there in all forms …

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Doesn’t show up for me. I grabbed a screen recording:


Thank you Jess!!

Ah, so the issue it seems you are seeing there is that the dropdown list is too short, with “Het Albino (VPI)” being right down near the bottom, if the list was longer.

The main issue here is that the “50% Het” and “66% Het” are showing above “Het” (which in turn knocks “Het” down, out of sight) due to it being alphabetical…

Can you please run that same search using “Het Albino (VPI)”, just to be sure it is in fact showing for everyone?


Yep, it shows up when you search directly.


Why doesn’t it show up if you just type in het albino, though? If I leave out the (vpi) and scroll down the list, none of the vpi albinos are options.

Edit: ignore that I suppose. I’m guessing it’s just limited to the number of results that show up. It stops showing anything after McPhee, which there are another 4-5 strains of albino on the index.


Ya you have to directly type in the full characteristics of the het you’re searching for to have it show up now. If you’re runninf a single gene search of vpi, it’ll show up. But if you run a multi gene search, it seems to cut out 100%. Unless you completely fill out the search. So still available, but could be missed by alot of users.

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