I just finished my first bioactive 18×18×24. I would like others who have more experience than I do to look over the setup. Letting it run another week or two then putting 2 mourning geckos in it if everything is good. The enclosure has been cycling for 3 weeks now. The enclosure has an Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED Bar and an Arcadia T5 shade dweller uvb 2.4. Substrate has springtails and dwarf white iospods. Approx 1/4 to 1/3 of substrate has a nice layer of sphagnum moss and the entire bottom is covered in oak leaves. Will include pics of the process.
Back ground foamed in and starting to carve out
Back ground covered in substrate layer
Planted plants and added substrate
Finished enclosure
The Calathea has to be happy it has new growth.
I expect the plant growth to cover some of the open areas. Thanks in advance for any input or approval on the setup.