Should I breed my female BP again?

My female produced last year (but not while in my care - I bought her in January). I bred her again this year, and saw positive lock up, around the first of April. She has shed twice since then… once was just yesterday. She has refused food for the past 2 weeks. This is my first time breeding BPs. Am I doing it right? lol. At what point would I need to re-breed with my male, if no eggs are forthcoming?
Many thanks!

Have you seen an ovulation at all? If you do that’s when it’s best to pair them.

So… I thought I did, but I could be mistaken! Again, I’m a first timer. She looks lumpy… I don’t have an ultrasound.

You can compare her to the pictures in this thread:

This thread should help to give you an idea of what ovulations look like. I’ve never kept or bred BPs so I can’t give you much advice for what to do. When was it that you think she ovulated?

This is wrong if she ovulated there is no need to pair she is already gravid. For sure do not pair while a female is ovulating. The ovulation is the act of releasing the eggs. Once a female ovulates you are getting eggs no matter what. I would recommend looking at Marcus Jayne’s guide and get a basic understanding of the females reproductive cycle before attempting to breed.


You’re right. I totally forgot about that. I’m used to leopard geckos where you wait to pair until they are “ovulating” (which isn’t even ovulating, it’s just follicles being developed, but it’s still called ovulating).


No idea on that I breed ball pythons not geckos lol :upside_down_face:


I breed leos… which is why I’m confused, probably! lol. I’ve been reading all I can and talking to other BP breeders… I guess I’m more or less looking for feedback about other peoples’ experiences. Such as, how long after the pre-lay shed, they would lay. The fact that she shed fully, twice in what seemed quick succession, kind of threw me. I know they can store sperm. Just wasn’t sure if it’s a practice to re-pair after a certain amount of time.

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This got me for some reason lol

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Would indicate they ovulated have you seen this?. If your not sure if she has she probably hasn’t unless you don’t check on her daily you may miss it. Have you had an indication she is even building follicles? I would like to stress just because she paired one is by far not an indication that she will lay that’s why I think it’s important to understand the reproductive cycle otherwise it will be very hard to tell where you are at or what to do.

She doesn’t appear gravid or building in the pictures. Refusing food isn’t always an indication of being gravid either ball pythons will fast especially if you have them on a weekly feeding schedule.