Should i buy gloves to handle my Rosy Boa?

I was wondering if i should buy some kind of gloves to handle my Orange Crush.

As many here know she is quite spicy to me and while she is small she still could possibly get her teeth in me.

I have an autoimmune issue and and susceptible to infections and illness. When i got the covid i was sick for well over 3 months and 6 months later i still feel effects. Last time i had pneumonia i had it 4 months and ive had it 3 times.

I was wondering if a glove of some type will help protect me incase of her biting me.

Do yall think a glove will help us ? I want to eventually get desensitized to my touch but was wondering if the gloves would interfere with this, i know most animals make use of scents to make sense of thier world, whether it be can i eat this? Is this a danger to me?

Im definitely interested in hearing thoughts on this. Trust that i am a sponge absorbing all of this advice. I certainly wouldn’t waste anyones or mine’s time if i was going to do my own thing.

Thanks again everyone.

I don’t think a glove is the best option. She wouldn’t be getting used to your hands or the smells that come with them, so it wouldn’t really help. On top of that, if you want a glove that stops her teeth from going into you, it would likely be one she could get her teeth stuck in. If her teeth get stuck and then she pulls them out or they break, you have her potentially getting an infection in her mouth and never eating again.


Good point i thought about that, ill just have to keep extra disinfectant on hand in case of her bites. I know all reptile can possibly carry salmonella and they could house bacteria in thier mouths. I always wash before and after interacting with my snakes. I know getting sick will not be helpful for me or my babies.

Ill just give her time to relax. I guess some people gently touch the snake to help desensitization ill just have to be extra careful.

Thanks again for your answer, im learning :snake:


Snakes have an anticoagulant in their saliva, so if they break the skin, the wound is going to bleed a lot more than you expect. While this can be a little alarming, it also means that the wound is flushed out by the bleeding. Snake bites rarely become infected, especially if you clean the wound thoroughly soon after receiving it. You’re much more likely to get an infection from getting scratched by your cat.


To do this, it might help to hold something, like an index card, between your hand and the snake. That way if she tries to bite you she will be stopped by the card and there will be no risk of anybody getting hurt.


The only time I think that gloves can potentially be useful is if your fear of being bitten is making your movements and mannerisms around the snake kind of nervous and jerky. This can put a snake (or really any animal) on edge and make them more likely to feel the need to bite in self-defense, which can get in the way of building trust with the snake. I’ve known people who needed the security of wearing gloves to allow them the confidence to handle their snakes (or other pets) in the beginning, but were ultimately able to do away with the gloves after they gained a little more confidence and comfort working with the animal.