Thank you! They are doing great. Eos, is 6 years old and 12 feet now. Opal has been a back and forth battle. She hatched out with a lot of problems. Her tongue has always been odd and she had almost like a umbilical hernia that protruded about an inch out of her belly button. We finally got that recessed and belly button healed up to discover she also had hard belly. We successfully removed the hard belly a couple days ago and so far so good until the next hurtle. Because of her problems we are keeping her indefinitely.
Whoa, Dratini is so awesome looking! Forgive me for not knowing what type he/she is!
She is a maxx pink argentine boa!
I’m not sure if this counts as a blelele!
As Gates can’t stick his tongue out.
But I thought everyone would like the picture. Old picture from my website when I would take Gates to educational shows.
Oh my goodness, what a cute chonk! He looks scary but is definitely cute. I’m sure he’s a sweetheart though if he was used for educational purposes.
Not sure if it counts either, but what a smile! Thats a great shot!
He is a cute little swamp puppy.
That’s a big, cool dark tongue!
So cute! With the position of that tongue I am picturing him/her hanging out your driver’s side window letting it flap in the wind
Haha! I hadn’t thought of that, but I can definitely see it!
Now that @gina5678 mentioned that, I can’t get that picture out of my head! It does look like the tongue is flapping sideways! Too good😂
I would love to see someone photoshop that, lol.