Show off all your fish! Whether they are fresh or salt water, cold water or tropical, lets see them fishes!
(I will get some pics of my goldfish in the next few days)
Show off all your fish! Whether they are fresh or salt water, cold water or tropical, lets see them fishes!
(I will get some pics of my goldfish in the next few days)
I have lots!
I’ll show my bettas, first up, Neytiri! She’s a female Plakat.
Wow they are beautiful! The tanks look great also! Do you have a favorite?
I think I like Neytiris personality best, she’s so sassy!
But Cheshire might be the prettiest
Sometimes I miss my freshwater fish tanks I had.
I tried to get into breeding dwarf cichlids. I had German blue rams, a dark knight ram, various apistogramma species, and a display tank that was fully planted with angelfish, some corys and various other fish.
Photo dump here. Sorry if they’re a mess and in no particular order. I just had to quickly scroll through my photos to find some of these.
I have a very small amount of fish now, but I’ve been keeping bettas for about two and a half years now. I’ve had a TON of stunning fishies, but these are some of my favorites:
Here’s my 10 gal. Just a betta in their now
Beautiful! I loved having African cichlids. The compressiceps was my favorite.
Thanks! If I ever got back into any fish now, I’d probably just have a single smaller tank with a beta or something, or maybe some shell dweller cichlids. Those guys are pretty cool to watch and they stay small.
My favorite picture of one of my goldfish
I guffawed, that face lmao.
I need that as a meme template
He looks like a little kid asking for candy
He was pretty cool when the claws would come up one at a time trying to get my attention. Lol
Did she like the pea puffers? I have heard conflicting opinions on them. I would love a tank with them someday. Some people say they just die super easily and then some say they don’t.
Depends on where you get them from. Just like any “popular” animal in the trade, there’s a ton of inbreeding going on here and that causes issues.
Prime example of this is neon tetras. They used to be a staple, but they’re so inbred now people recommend avoiding them.
Finding a good source is key basically
We honestly never had bad luck with any species we tried besides the amazon puffers that were locally collected. They are very sensitive. The pea puffers can be difficult due to the size of the food source and keeping very low flow in the tank. I’d recommend only housing pea puffers in the tank so theres no competition for food. Once you find a good dependable supplier then that can increase your chances of survival.