Show us your Geckos!

Thank you for the support I need it :crossed_fingers::upside_down_face:


We’re all here to help.

I’m a Crestie fanatic :relaxed: although my Cresties aren’t breeding :triumph: so I’ve been giving them space :pensive:


what happens if it decides to fly


As in jump? I catch them! :joy:


you must be fast


I’m used to it now, and you can usually tell when they’re going to jump :relaxed:

Some splat on the floor but they’re ok haha


hahaha thats funny


Yeah, they usually make certain expressions/poses before they jump.

I like to be closer to the floor if it’s a new gecko, just incase I don’t catch them in time but i can usually tell, once I’ve held then a few times.

If you give them somewhere to go, they tend not to jump so much. Although I have a couple of jumpers here, in which they jump from hand to hand lol


hahaha when im handling my Leo i look at her and I’m like don’t even think about it bc if the cat gets you I DONT KNOW GECKO CPR


Our dwarf geckos again - same animals, just some day in the life shots! The male Gonatodes ocellatus was out front scaling the upside-down fern (Arachniodes standishii - one of my favorite plants!) in his enclosure:

The depth of patterning on his head is really striking. Difficult to capture it in a photo. The female is bold as well, though she blends in really well with the hardscaping and can startle both of us sometimes - caught her right out front (Selaginella erythropus ‘Sanguinea’ is in the background for you other naturalistic viv folks):

We enjoy watching them curl their little tails in interesting ways (they also spend a lot of time upside-down on the bottom of cork rounds and flats):

Our little Gonatodes vittatus, “Sparky”, just owns it - king of his little kingdom:

Hard to believe you can pack this much attitude into a little 2 inch critter. He’s enjoying his move to a permanent enclosure we just built out. Beats the crummy little temp tank by a mile!


Wow, 19 years young. I can’t wait until my little ball of fun is an old retired man. But at the same time he grew up so fast :smiling_face_with_tear:


I love love love the names and I love love love gargs. They are so adorable :yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

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I know I share a lot of pics but I thought these were too cute not to share! When I feed my guys, there are several that need assistance of some kind for one reason or another. Icarus has Enigma Syndrome (he’s a Stealth), and he was being so adorable last night! He’s 2-3 years old or so. I also included a pic of Lucretia (another 19 year old of mine), who made a big old mess when I was syringe feeding her Grub Pie in a slurry.


He looks sod ang happy! :heart_eyes:


Since I’ve gotten Bullseye (a mack snow black night), she’s gotten more and more calm about me entering the cage. She went from hiding whenever I opened the lid to quickly grabbing food in front of me, to coming out of the hide, and now she isn’t bothered at all with me opening the tub and she’s often out of her hides. I still haven’t tried handling yet but I was able to put the black background in part of the enclosure and lure her on to it with mealworms to get a picture, she didn’t seem stressed at all and I’m happy with how well she did.


On the contrary, @mblaney I feel like we don’t see enough of your guys! More please!

Same for you, @erie-herps! Show us allllllllll the babies!


Here’s a picture of my new tangerine, I took it on the same day as bullseye. She was fired down in this picture since she was in her cool hide (I’ve actually noticed a huge difference in color in my leopard geckos depending on heat).

When I get home I can try to get some pictures of my baby cresties, but they are usually hiding, so we’ll see if I can or not. I got a really cool picture of Inky, my black night super snow eclipse, a while ago (about a couple months), but for some reason my memory card lost all of the pictures when I tried using a new computer to get the pictures off, so I’m definitely not using that computer again, lol. I’ll try to get a picture of him and his half-sister when I get home, so you can see how the colors developed.


I’ve been pretty sick (I just had a cold) for a few days. I’ve been super tired and wasn’t able to get pictures. I was able to get pictures last night and I’ll put them on my computer tonight. Sorry it took so long but I should have pictures tomorrow.

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Here’s a picture of Inky and his half-sister. The pictures start with Inky fired down, Inky fired up, and then his half-sister.

And here’s a picture of what feeding night looks like. :rofl: It’s hard to tell on the top row, but all of the geckos were looking at me.


We see food, we know food :rofl: