Went into the room to check on the smalls and found them both at the front of their tubs. They are just sitting there staring at me. I think they want food.
I love when they do that lol. I talk to everyone but the most coming thing that we end up saying when we notice they are staring is probably “can I help you?”
Some of these pics are a bit old but funny reguardless (thermostat upgraded, the babies r a little bigger now etc)
This is how I found Mina when I opened her tub to change her water. (Find the python face!)
She was blelele’ing at me from that position. She’s too cute.
Is that a snake in ur pocket? Or are ya just happy to see me?
Shy peeking by Finnley Casper.
Sangfroid checks out the camera during an attempted shoot. (Black African House Snake)
I love that you have a black snake and a white snake too lol
And if I ever get a third, the species I so happen to want… is a gray snake. XD
Really? What is it?
I might get a Coastal Rosy Boa someday if Finnley the Ball Python proves like many of his kind and takes time off from eating. That way no rodents go to waste!
My coastal never misses a meal and if i fed him weekly as some pages tell users to do ( i know they are wrong) he would be massively overweight. He would probably eat weekly if he had his way😂
Exactly! Besides, they’re from the San Diego area where I grew up and it’d be neat to have a little of home with me. That’s a pocket biome I can recreate with total exactness! I’m very familiar with the cool shady spaces between boulder piles in under the live oaks where these guys like to hang out.
And to be on topic, here is Sangfroid, (Black House Snake) convinced he is SO HIDDEN. “You cannot see me, I cannot see you, I am hidden.”
Omg my male rosy loves paper towel rolls OC not so much her derpy butt loves to hide under the water bowl .
Haha, crazy lil gecko
I don’t know how long he was stuck under there, lol. It could have been for the whole day and I wouldn’t have noticed. I have no idea how he even got under there.