Showing off our tiny girl who just turned 2

Just showing off this sweet girl who turned two yrs today! I’ll be taking more, and better, pics tomorrow and posting them here.

Disclaimer; Yes she is small for 2yrs old. She eats and grows consistently, just very slowly. And has always maintained a healthy body shape, she just does what she wants apparently :sweat_smile:


Well a very happy birthday to her! I don’t think she looks too small at all! I think she looks pretty great! What’s her name btw?

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Her name is Beep, it started out as a joke between me and my partner and it just stuck lol :rofl:

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Awwwww. I absolutely adore that name! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Finally got the extra pics done. Little gal was not cooperating so forgove the quality.


She’s a princess! :star_struck:

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She is gorgeous!


She’s gorgeous! Happy birthday to a pretty girl. :partying_face::tada:

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What a lovely lady! Her face looks so friendly. Happy (belated now haha) birthday, Beep!